Sensory-kinetic perception and its relationship to scoring skill in football


  • Auf Rahman Ibrahim University of Diyala / College of Basic Education



perceptual sense kinesthetic, imperative style


 This study aims to identify some of the sensory perceptions of children (5-10 years) by using the kinesthetic perception scale designed by the researcher Ahmed Eman Hamad Shehab (1998) and through a proposed program, at the College of Physical Education - University of Baghdad, regarding the use of motor education to raise the level of mental ability and kinesthetic perception of children.

The researcher also used the descriptive approach with correlational relationships and the use of a scoring test on a sample of fourth-grade primary students, which is consisting of (40) students from Al-Hassan Bin Ali School in Baqubah District, Diyala Governorate. The study found that there is a correlation between the research variables, sensory perception, and kinesthetic skills in football scoring.

The current study recommended the necessity of paying attention to physical education lessons for children, working to diversify the games and educational curricula that are used in them, and conducting similar studies on other variables and for different ages.


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How to Cite

عوف رحمن ابراهيم, “Sensory-kinetic perception and its relationship to scoring skill in football”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 108–124, Sep. 2024.