The level of Performance of Educational Counselors in Basic Schools from the Point of View of the School Principal
education, teaching, counselor, counseling, managerAbstract
Educational counseling is an important characteristic of the educational scientific aspects provided by the school, especially the social psychological counsellors (School counselor). This research aims to identify the role of al school counselors in the counseling process and identify the differences in school principals' perceptions of the performance of school counselors and the problems and obstacles according to the variables (gender, age, specialization, certificate) and identify the level of impact of the problems and obstacles of counselors on the performance of their work,the research community consists of principals of public schools in Sulaymaniyah Governorate affiliated to the Ministry of Education in the Kurdistan Region, and their number are (374), and the researcher sample (58) principals as a sample the researcher prepared a measurement to collect information from the study sample, and reached reached the following conclusions:
1- The role of school counselors in the process of concling students in educational institutions.
2- There is no difference in the opinion of the school principals in the role of the school counsellors.
3- There is no difference in the opinion of the principals about the problems and obstacles facing the work of school counsellors.
4- The effective of problems and obstacles faced by school counselors on the performance of their work.
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