The effect of a counseling program using the self-talk method to develop social persuasion among educational counselors


  • Yasser Himati Jassim Al-Tamimi Directorate General of Diyala Education



self-talk, social persuasion, educational counselors


The current research aims to identify the effect of a counseling program in the style of self-talk to develop social persuasion among educational counselors, by testing the null hypothesis ((There are no statistically significant differences between the scores of individuals in the experimental and control groups on the social persuasion scale in the pre- and post-tests at the level of significance. (0.05), and for the purpose of identifying the level of social persuasion among the sample, the researcher adopted the scale (Al-Ukaili 2011), then the researcher extracted the statistical characteristics of the scale and it was found that all items have a statistically significant distinction and correlation. The validity and reliability of the scale was confirmed, as the correlation coefficient for the stability of the scale was reached by retesting. (0.87), and the Cronbach’s alpha value was (0.82), The scale consisted of (25) items, and after applying the guidance program to the experimental sample, the research results concluded that there were statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups in the post-test and in favor of the experimental group. In light of these results, the researcher presented a number of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.


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How to Cite

ياسر هيمتي جاسم التميمي, “The effect of a counseling program using the self-talk method to develop social persuasion among educational counselors”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 150–176, Sep. 2024.