The preferred uniform colors for students of technical institutes and colleges in the Technical Education Authority


  • Khaleda Abdel -Hussein Mohsen ھیئة التعلیم التقني /معھد الفنون التطبیقیة
  • Souad Assad Hilal ھیئة التعلیم التقني /معھد الفنون التطبیقیة




Colour : It is one of the Important element in fashion design and
the most exciting that we cannot imagine fashion world without
colours ,it is a way to express our self and our feeling . it is a
wide scope and good choice between colours during fashion
design and clothes choosing that will end to choice uniform with
high level of beauty and harmony .
Colour have negative and positive direct effect on self ,
according to this wondering was emerged : what is the
fevouritecolour to college student uniform ? and what is the
effect on self ?
The group of sample of this paper includes Technical colleges
and institutes students to reach (27) institutes (16) collages
during the academic years, 2011- 2012.
The research sample includes first and second grade of Applied
Art college and Applied Art institute by using questionnaire and
exerts percentage of favouritecolours for students and colleges
and the reason for choosing them, the paper, also, describes the
important outcomes and discuss them according to the data of
the questionnaire.


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القدس , عمان ,الاردن .

٢ -حسین , تحیة كامل (٢٠٠٢ (الازیاء لغة لكل عصر , دار المعارف , القاھرة.

٣-السَمّان , سامیة ابراھیم لطفي (١٩٩٧ (موسوعة الملابس, جامعة الاسكندریة.

٤ -عابدین ,علیة احمد (١٩٩٦ (دراسات في سیكولوجیة الملابس ، ط١ ,دار الفكر

العربي .

٥ -العامري , امیرة كاظم (٢٠٠٢ (تصمیم الازیاء ، الدار الجامعیة للطباعة والنشر

، الموصل.

٦ -عبو,فرج(١٩٨٢ (علم عناصر الفن ,ج٢ ,دار دلفین للنشر ,میلانو ,ایطالیا .٢

٧ -یحیى ,حمودة (١٩٨١ (نظریة اللون, دار المعارف , القاھرة



How to Cite

خالدة عبد الحسین محسن and سعاد اسعد ھلال, “The preferred uniform colors for students of technical institutes and colleges in the Technical Education Authority”, jfath, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1–15, Aug. 2023.