The effect of educational units using the accelerated learning method in learning some complex Futsal football students


  • Hashim Mahdi Abbas General Directorate of Education in Diyala



Fast learning, complex skills


Teaching sports skills requires methods that are effective and influential in learning that skill, and because the development in various games has become clear and significant as a result of using modern methods. The researcher wanted to study the effect of educational units using the accelerated learning method in learning some complex soccer skills for students. The experimental approach was used with two equal groups, divided by lottery among the students of the Martyr Shaalan Intermediate School for Boys in the Khalis District, with a number of (93) students. The results of the research showed the development of the experimental group in the post-tests resulted from using the accelerated learning method to learn some complex skills.


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How to Cite

هاشم مهدي عباس, “The effect of educational units using the accelerated learning method in learning some complex Futsal football students”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 177–202, Sep. 2024.