The Effect of a Counselling Program Using Reciprocal Analysis on the Academic Self-Concept Improvement of University Students


  • Jabbar Thair Jabbar جامعة ديالى /كلية تربية الاساسية



Reciprocal Analysis - academic self-concept


The present research aims to find out the effect of a counseling program using the Reciprocal analysis on the academic self-concept improvement of university students by testing the following hypothesis (there are no statistically significant differences between the grade levels of the experimental group and the control group on the academic self-esteem scale in the pre- and post-tests at a significance level of 0.05).  The researcher adopted the English academic self-concept scale by (Cabaguing, 2018). The validity of the translation was administrated, then the researcher extracted the statistical characteristics of the scale. It was concluded that all items of the scale have a statistically significant differences and correlation. The validity and reliability of the scale were approved as the reliability coefficient by the test and retest method was (0.81), and the reliability value by the Cronbach’s alpha method was (0.85).  The scale consisted of (19) items.  The researcher designed and applied a counseling program on a sample of (10) students as an experimental group. The results revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups in the post-test in favor of the experimental group. Considering these results, the researcher presented a number of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.


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How to Cite

جبار ثاير جبار, “The Effect of a Counselling Program Using Reciprocal Analysis on the Academic Self-Concept Improvement of University Students”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 398–428, Sep. 2024.