Technological competencies among chemistry teachers and their relationship to twenty-first century skills
technology, competencies, skillsAbstract
The current research aims to identify:
-Technological competencies among chemistry teachers
Differences in the technological competencies of chemistry teachers according to gender variables
- The level of twenty-first century skills among chemistry teachers
- Differences between the twenty-first century skills of chemistry teachers according to gender variables.
- The relationship between technological competencies and twenty-first century skills among chemistry teachers
The researcher followed the descriptive approach, and the current research population was defined as all chemistry teachers in Baqubah Education Directorate for the intermediate, preparatory, and secondary levels for the academic year (2021-2022), who numbered (230) teachers and schools. The research sample consisted of (115) chemistry teachers who were selected by a simple random method.
The researcher prepared two questionnaires to measure the research variables, the first to measure technological competencies and consisted of (60) items distributed over five areas, and the second to measure twenty-first century skills, which in its final form consisted of (86) items distributed over three main skills and eleven sub-skills, and its validity was verified and distinguished. After completing the data collection, it was processed statistically using the statistical package (SPSS). In light of the research results, the researcher reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are:
The level of technological competencies among chemistry teachers was average or acceptable.
The level of twenty-first century skills among chemistry teachers was high
- There is a direct and significant correlation between technological competencies and twenty-first century skills among chemistry teachers. The researcher presented a number of recommendations and suggestions.
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