The role of Saudi universities in employing artificial intelligence applications to develop the future skills of their students: an analytical study
Saudi Arabia/ Artificial intelligence applications/ Future skillsAbstract
The study aimed to explain the role of Saudi universities in employing artificial intelligence applications to develop the future skills needed to be acquired by students. The study used the descriptive approach, and through analyzing literature and reports on applications of artificial intelligence and future skills. The study concluded the importance of integrating artificial intelligence in university education to accelerate progress towards achieving Goal “four” of the Sustainable Development Goals. The role of universities in developing students’ future skills is essential. The study identified the role of universities in employing artificial intelligence applications in five dimensions: learning environment, faculty member, courses and curricula, students, graduates and the labor market. To develop future skills, which were identified in three dimensions: soft skills, lifelong learning skills, and digital skills. The results of the study showed the presence of obstacles related to the university with its structures, policies, procedures, and activities. The study presented a proposed vision for implementing the role of Saudi universities in employing artificial intelligence applications to develop future skills to their students
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