Psychological empowerment of heads of scientific departments and its relationship with job satisfaction of teaching staff
psychological empowerment, academic departments, job satisfactionAbstract
The current research aims at the level of both the psychological empowerment of the heads of scientific departments and the level of job satisfaction of teachers in scientific departments. The research also aims at the psychological empowerment of the heads of scientific departments and the level of job satisfaction of teachers and identify the relationship between them.
The current research community consisted of (1998) teaching staff (1012) in humanitarian colleges (986) teaching staff from scientific colleges, The researcher adopted a stratified random sample of colleges of the university by 50% (10) colleges (5) scientific (5) humanitarian. Random sample of teachers was drawn from the sample of colleges amounted to (140). The researcher prepared two tools, the first psychological empowerment scale and the second job satisfaction scale and extracted honesty, discriminatory power and stability for them.
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