The impact of visual exercises with assistive devices according to sign language in learning the short serve skill in badminton for deaf students


  • Suha Abbas Abboud Al-Zuhairi University of Diyala College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Majid Khalil Khamis Al-Amiri University of Diyala College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Enas Yahya Ahmed Ezzat University of Diyala / College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


visual exercises, sign language, the deaf.


The importance of this research emerged in the impact of visual exercises in physical education lessons, specifically in badminton, which, like other lessons, aims to identify the effects of this usage and the degree of skill acquisition in the sport of badminton. To address the research problem, visual exercises were applied using assistive devices on the Hope Institute for the Deaf students. Hence, the importance of the research lies in the privacy of deaf students and their need for more attention, as well as teaching them new and enjoyable sports activities that break the routine of conventional sports curricula. This was achieved by proposing visual exercises along with the most suitable use of devices that help the deaf students learn the short serve skill in badminton and understanding its impact on the learning level of deaf students. The aim was to elevate this group to achieve balanced growth in mental, psychological, and skill aspects, as they represent an untapped potential, which is the core of the research problem. The research aimed to prepare visual exercises using assistive tools according to sign language for learning the short serve skill in badminton for deaf students. The sample of the research included 20 students from the Hope Institute for the Deaf Students. The research proposed that there are statistically significant differences between the pre-test and post-test results of the control and experimental groups in learning the short serve skill in badminton, for the post-test. The researchers used the experimental method with two equivalent groups in the post-tests, as it was more suitable for the research problem. Through analyzing and discussing the results using statistical tables, it was concluded that visual exercises had an impact on learning the short serve skill in badminton for the research sample.


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How to Cite

سها عباس عبود الزهيري, ماجد خليل خميس العامري, and ايناس يحيى أحمد عزت, “The impact of visual exercises with assistive devices according to sign language in learning the short serve skill in badminton for deaf students”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 461–478, Dec. 2024.