Employing the parsing of Nahj al-Balagha in the literary achievement of sixth-grade students in Arabic grammar
employment, Nahj al-Balagha, collection, retention, grammar, literary sixth.Abstract
The research aims to identify (employing the parsing of Nahj al-Balagha in the literary achievement of sixth-grade students in Arabic grammar). To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher formulated or set the null hypothesis. To verify this, the researcher adopted an experimental design with partial control for the two research groups, and intentionally chose (preparatory school). Al-Rowad) for boys, the literary branch of the General Directorate of Diyala Education in Al-Khalis District. Two sections were randomly chosen, one of which was Section (A) an experiment with (31) students taught with the parsing of Nahj al-Balagha, and the second was Section (B) with (30) students taught in the normal way. For a total of (61) students, the researcher rewarded the students of the two groups in the following variables: - chronological age calculated in months, the academic achievement of the parents, and the achievement test scores for the two research groups. The researcher formulated (50) behavioral goals, and counted the teaching plans for the two research groups, and He also prepared an achievement test consisting of (30) items (20) of the multiple test type and (10) supplementary items, after presenting them to a group of experts and specialists in methods of teaching the Arabic language, educational and psychological sciences, measurement and evaluation. As for the statistical methods that The researcher used it in the T-test, the square of 2, the difficulty factor, paragraph discrimination, the effectiveness of incorrect alternatives, and the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the following results showed: The group that studied using the parsing of Nahj al-Balagha outperformed the control group that studied in the usual way in achievement. In light of the results, the researcher recommended a number of conclusions, recommendations and proposals
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