ON S – Normal Space and Some Functions


  • Mr.Hassan Abd AL-Hadi Ahimed College of Seience Diyala University
  • Dr.Nadir George Mansour College of Education Al-Mustansiriy University


The concept of centennial space -S was introduced for the first time by the two scientists S.N.Maheshwari and (3) R.Prasad by replacing the open group in the definition of the centennial space with the open group -S which was introduced for the first time by the world (1) Norman Levine. The main purpose of this work is to find other properties of the centennial space - S using the concept of the new group (open -gs), where it will provide a new definition equivalent to the definition of the centennial space -S using the open set -gs instead of the open set, as well as it will provide some conservation theorems that Pertaining to centennial space -S by using new concepts of functions as the concept of the closed function -gs primarily and the continuous function -gs primarily.



How to Cite

حسن عبد الهادي احيمد and نادر جورج منصور, “ON S – Normal Space and Some Functions”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 234–246, May 2023.