Difficulties in Using Methods of Alternative Assessment In Teaching from Iraqi Instructors Points of View


  • Zainab Abbas Ph.D University of Diyala College of Education-Diyala




In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use
and application of new forms of assessment that are radically
different from the traditional forms of assessment(as paper -
pencil)tests .These new forms of alternative assessment as(self
and peer assessment, portfolio ,interviews…..ect )are more
student -centered as they provide students with a tool on be more
involved in their learning .They also give them a better sense of
control for their own learning. They are tests that also teach .
Nevertheless; there are some obstacles that face Iraqi
instructors of English in using the different methods of
alternative assessment in teaching. Therefore, this study has
tackled of these difficulties. It also aims at identifying and
classifying these difficulties.

To fulfill this aim, A sample of (30) instructors of English
of Diyla University are considered to be the subjects of this study
A scaled questionnaire as an instrument of measurement is used
in this study to be an investigatory tool .

The results of this study prove that the hypothesis of this study
is verified and accepted which reads that Iraqi instructors of
English face difficulties in using methods of alternative
assessment in teaching.


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Reading and communication skills.

Additional Files



How to Cite

Zainab Abbas Ph.D, “Difficulties in Using Methods of Alternative Assessment In Teaching from Iraqi Instructors Points of View ”, jfath, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1–23, Aug. 2023.