An Employment of Games and Folktales in Developing Spontaneous Acting Skills in Kindergartens
An EmploymentAbstract
Modern schools have been interested in art education in order to increase understanding, recognition and analysis, because most departments of art education, such as acting, music and painting, stimulate students to activate their imagination and concentration, in addition to learning about ideas derived from reality and reconstructing them, most kindergartens relied on the use of playing, acting, music and the teaching of values and ideas in ways that depend on fun and suspense, such as stories, stories and folk games.
The aim of this research is to learn how to use games and folk tales to develop spontaneous acting skills in kindergartens. Theatrical selections were based on the storytelling and games, a play based on the tales and games, the play "Three Droplets" from the kindergartens of Al-Arij, and the play of "The Ring" from the Ward Al-Vnafj. After analyzing these shows according to the research tool, the researchers reached the most important results.
- Popular folklore contributes to the establishment of educational, social and scientific values.
- The story and the popular games have an active role in the development of the child's imagination and perception.
- The story and folk games can be transformed into acting style.
- The story and folk games contribute to the development of language skills and correct logic.
This research recommends in adopting a curriculum for kindergartens that includes heritage, folk tales and drama. The research ends with a list of sources.
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