The effectiveness of teaching organic chemistry using the Web Quest strategy in the achievement of third-stage students in the College of Science - University of Sulaymaniyah


  • Prof. D. Ali Abdel Rahman Gomaa كلية العلوم / جامعة السليمانية
  • M.D. Param Ahmed كلية العلوم / جامعة السليمانية



Although we live today in the age of technology and computerization of education, the reality of teaching is at the same level
The university is a prisoner of the common traditional methods, where the focus is on the traditional methods and methods, such as the lecture
And recitation, especially for lessons of a theoretical nature, and this reality has not changed despite the technological development
Compared to the previous century, the "Issa" study in the eighties of the last century revealed that 83% of the
Teaching staff members in scientific departments in Arab universities use lectures in a permanent manner or
Most of the time, and despite the widespread use of modern technologies such as computers and data shows at the present time, they areIt does not go beyond being a means of presenting the content in the same traditional approach, and this means the absence of the learner's effectiveness in
Most of the teaching-learning situations and his role is limited to receiving and retrieving what is required in the tests
of all kinds, and the absence of the practice of higher mental processes, self-learning, and the employment of the learner's own abilities
In research, investigation and obtaining knowledge by himself, as is the case in lessons of a practical nature
And complementary activities for some lessons, all of these aspects had and still have a negative impact on decreasingThe level of achievement and motivation towards learning and continuing study, especially at the university level
Concern: The results of studies at the global, Arab and country levels indicate a low level of achievement
academic studies, especially among university students in recent years, for reasons most notably those related to
The academic educational reality, including what is related to the student’s self, or his family, and some of which are related to his environment,
Some of them are related to the cultural or social situation of students. At the global level, the results of a study showed "
Others & Mahon (1999) Low level of psychological and social adjustment withuniversity life, lack of regularity in studies, and fluctuations in the level of academic achievement.
The study of Jaggia and Kelly (1999, Kelly and Jaggia), which aimed to identify
A group of factors affecting the level of academic performance for a sample of undergraduate students
GPA as a measure of a student's level of academic performance indicates that there are many factors that
Affect the academic performance of the student, some of which are related to the curriculum, the method of teaching, and the member
faculty, and student academic characteristics.
In the study of DiGresia (2002, DiGresia) which aimed at analyzing the factors influencing the
Academic performance of Argentine university students, by applying it to a sample of universitiesgovernment. One of the most important findings was that the internal regulations of universities, including courses,
Educational curricula and examination systems are among the factors influencing the student's academic performance
Number forty-nine. Al-Fath Magazine. May 2012 Ali Abdul Rahman Juma
M.D. Param Ahmed
She explained that the characteristics of the student and the faculty member are in terms of the interest of each of themThe educational process, the investment of time and its organization are also factors that affect academic performance
for the student.
As for the Arab level, in the study (Hamada and Al-Sawy, 2002), which aimed to identify the most important
The factors behind the failure of the students warned at Kuwait University, the factors causing the decline were classified
The academic achievement of the warned students and their cumulative average were divided into three groups: factors
personality, educational factors, and social factors.One of the most important educational factors most affecting the low academic achievement and poor average
The cumulative cumulative data is represented in teaching methods, faculty member, curricula, exams and other factors
As for the personal factors related to the student and his interest in education, they come in second place.
Among the results of the study (Al-Najim, 2002), which aimed to identify the problems that he faces
Male and female students of the College of Education at King Faisal University according to gender, specialization and academic level: badSetting test questions, and the curricula lacking the ability to think and skill.
And in the study (Al-Amiri, 2003), which aimed to reveal the nature and nature of the problems among students
United Arab Emirates University and the differences between the sexes and between the same sex according to their differences in terms of
The academic level (first - second), and the place of residence of the student. The results of the study revealed that the students
Female students face a variety of academic problems, and there are statistically significant differences between the groups
Most of them are for the benefit of the students.A study (Abu Hamada, 2006) which aimed to know the most important factors affecting the level of
The academic performance of students at Qassim University and suggesting mechanisms to improve the level of this performance for students to
Several results, including: low level of academic performance of students and the existence of a statistically significant relationship between
The level of academic performance of students as a dependent variable and each of the factors of university management
Teaching staff members, students, family, and the educational process as independent variables. The difficulty of the curricula
Not compatible with the abilities and tendencies of the student.And in the study (Al-Qutb and Moawad, 2007), which aimed to identify the problems of university students
Kindness in the light of the data of the twenty-first century and its impact on their educational attainment, and the relationship of those
Problems with some variables: such as academic level, career prospects, university environment, and training
Relationships with others and a vision to treat those problems, I have come to the conclusion that there is a group of
Personal problems, academic problems, problems of university services and facilities, and problems
The family faces university students and affects their level of educational attainment, academic level, and attitudes
towards the university environment.In the study (Sulaiman and Abu Zureik, 2007), which aimed to identify the nature of the problems that
Students of the Teachers College in Tabuk in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia encounter it during their studies at the college and its relationship
Both the academic level and the cumulative estimate in the college are the size of the problems they face. It has resulted
The results indicate that the academic problems axis came in the first place, then the academic axis, and then the axis
The economist.
In a study (Soliman, 2008) which aimed to reveal the nature of academic problems among
Students of Teachers Colleges in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and identifying differences in the nature of problems in terms ofNumber forty-nine. Al-Fath Magazine. May 2012 Ali Abdul Rahman Juma
M.D. Param Ahmed
specialization and academic level, it was concluded that there are statistically significant differences in the nature of the study
Academic problems are attributed to the academic level.
And in the study (Al-Jabri, 2009), which aimed to identify the determinants of university student performance
In Saudi Arabia it has revealed some of its results: Low GPA for many students
Absenteeism, and also revealed a low cumulative GPA for physics students and for Arabic language students
with a noticeable difference.It is clear that the most important academic problems facing university students in Arab countries
Including Iraq related to axes (university professor, curricula and courses, methods and methods
And teaching strategies, classrooms and laboratories), and the most prominent problems related to the professor
Those that are related to the management of the lecture and others related to the courses, as most of them are old in comparisonAt the global level, teaching practical courses in a theoretical manner due to the lack of materials and supplies
Especially modern equipment in laboratories and laboratories in most universities, and focus on conservation
And memorization, and traditional teaching methods are used with it, and the scarcity of modern teaching methods
Supported by modern technology that is common today, and the teacher's lack of interest in the academic problems that
They confront the students, and some of them are not keen on understanding the topics of the lecture, and they do not respondMany of them are due to students' questions during the lecture due to time constraints or other reasons, and the weakness of some of them
The scientific material in the specialization, and the weak level of the test questions, as it does not achieve the comprehensiveness of the curriculum
And the absence of higher levels in thinking about it.
Accordingly, following the modern methods and strategies, techniques and learning resources that depend on those
Technology can contribute to addressing these problems, especially since today's younger generation is more inclined to study
of a practical nature, especially those that employ modern technologies such as computers and the Internet,Because they are the technology of the age and invaded his life and forced him to master their learning to satisfy his desires and keep pace with his peers.
In order to look forward to what is happening around him in the world that has become like a village in light of these technologies, and he may spend a day
The greatest amount of his time in preoccupation with them via the Internet, and in order to direct those capabilities to the track
Proper and we employ it to raise its academic level at the university level. It requires employing these techniquesThrough modern methods, methods and strategies that focus on the learner's positivity in situations
Educational - learning, self-learning, and the learner's effectiveness in research, investigation, and access to knowledge by himself
In light of the multiplicity and diversity of sources of knowledge in all fields of knowledge, especially in the World Wide Web
The Internet and its services, which have become the broadest and largest repository of sources of knowledge in various fields and fields
Especially since computers and the Internet are widely used, as we rarely find a home without themUsing them, and especially surfing the Internet, has become part of the personal culture of today's youth, perhaps
We find a few of them who do not spend hours in this field, let alone if this technology was employed in the field of learning
School or university in general and learning sciences and specializations in particular.
The Web Quest strategy is only one of the recent trends to achieve effective and active learning
In the educational/learning process, particularly at the university level, as it is consistent with the role of
The teacher is a guide and guide to the educational process, not a transmitter of knowledge and its source.Although many studies have shown the effectiveness of teaching according to the Web Quest and its impact on
Achievement, thinking, or any other dependent variable, but there are studies that have not proven their effectiveness in teaching, so
The current study came to answer the question:
Number forty-nine. Al-Fath Magazine. May 2012 Ali Abdul Rahman Juma
M.D. Param Ahmed
Does the use of the Web Quest strategy in teaching organic chemistry have an effect on achievement?
Third-stage students - Department of Chemistry compared to the usual method?


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How to Cite

أ.م.د علي عبد الرحمن جمعة and م.د بارام أحمد, “The effectiveness of teaching organic chemistry using the Web Quest strategy in the achievement of third-stage students in the College of Science - University of Sulaymaniyah”, jfath, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1–36, Aug. 2023.