Difficulties faced by Iraqi Teachers of English in using Authentic Materials in the foreign language classrooms


  • Ashwaq Abd Al-mahde Huessien College of Education –Diyala




In recent years, there has been growing interest in the use of
authentic material in foreign language teaching. Recording of
spontaneous speech expose learners to the rhythms of natural
every day English in a way that scripted materials cannot.
Furthermore, authentic passages where the language has not
been graded to reflect the learners' level of English afford a
listening experience much closer to a real life one.
Nevertheless, there are some obstacles that may be faced by
Iraqi teachers of English in using authentic materials in
Therefore, this study has tackled some of these difficulties. It
also aims at identifying and classifying these difficulties.
To fulfill this aim, a sample of (100) teachers of English
from the directorate- general of Education of Diyla are
considered to be the subjects of this study. A scaled
questionnaire as an instrument of measurement is used in this
study to be an investigatory tool.
The results prove that the hypothesis of this study, which
reads that Iraqi teachers of English faced difficulties in using
authentic materials is verified and accepted.


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How to Cite

Ashwaq Abd Al-mahde Huessien, “Difficulties faced by Iraqi Teachers of English in using Authentic Materials in the foreign language classrooms”, jfath, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1–18, Aug. 2023.