The effect of the competitive learning style on cognitive achievement, skill performance, and achievement of discus throwing effectiveness
The multiplicity of learning methods and the diversity of methods of handling them by the teacher has become one of
The basics of effective teaching as well as being one of the most important pillars that connect the learner
The goal is to learn.
Competitive learning is one of the learning methods that teachers and teachers have turned to
To achieve the greatest learning output, in addition to being enthusiastic about the learner and arousing his motivation and spiritCompetition to reach the goal, so the researcher chose to test the effect of learning style
Competitiveness on cognitive achievement, skill performance, and achievement in throwing effectiveness
Disk in the track and field, which male and female students face great difficulty in learning
Her skillful performance or in achieving any achievement, as well as poor cognitive achievement
For male and female students in this event.
The importance of research is evident in trying to find a method that stimulates motivation and the spirit of competitionbetween male and female students to advance the scientific and practical level in the event under discussion.
The researcher used the experimental approach to suit the nature and objectives of the research.
The research sample consisted of (53) male and female students from the second stage in the department
Physical Education / College of Basic Education in the morning and evening studies, and in fact
(15) students in each group of the control and experimental groups of students and (11)
Female students in the experimental group and (12) female students in the control group
Female students.The researcher concluded that the competitive style has a clear effect on improving achievement
Knowledge for both male and female students. I also concluded that he did not have any competitive style
An advantage over the traditional method of learning skillful performance or by increasing achievement in effectiveness
Throwing the disc despite the increase in male and female students' motivation and enthusiasm for learning according to this
style.The researcher recommended using the competitive learning method in the classroom because of its effects
Effect on increasing cognitive achievement, and the researcher recommended the need to test more than one
A method to reach good skill learning and increase achievement in the activity under study.
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The fiftieth issue. Al-Fath Magazine. August 2012 Dr. Buthaina Abdul Khaleq Ibrahim
-135-The Effect of competitive learning in knowledge
achievement , skilful performance and achievement in
Throwing the disc
Experimental study on the second stage’s student \
department of physical education \ College of Basic
Education \ University of Diyala
Abstract :
It is said that the variety of leaning methods and the
variety of dealing with them by the teacher is one of the
fundamentals of effective teaching and it is also regarded as
one of the basis for reaching at the goal by the learner i.e.
leaning .
Moreover, competitive learning is regarded as one of the
learning styles used by the teachers and learners to achieve
bigger learning outcome, besides it activates the learner and
motivates him and competitive spirit to achieve the goal.
Therefore, the researcher chose the test of the effect of
competitive learning on knowledge achievement, skilful
performance and achievement in throwing the disc in track and
field games which is faced with difficulty by the students in
learning it skilful performance and achievement besides , the
weakness in knowledge achievement.
The importance of the study is the attempt to establish a
style activates the motivation and competitive spirit among
students to raise the learning level in the studied activity.
The researcher used the experimental approach for its
suitability with the nature of the study and its goals . The sample
consists of 53 students the second stage’s student \ department
of physical education \ College of Basic Education ( female s
and males \ day and evening studies) 15 for each group (
controlling and experimental males ) and 11 females in
(experimental) and 12 females in the ( controlling ) group .
The researcher concluded that competitive learning style
has a clear effect in developing the knowledge achievement for
the female and male students ,besides ,the competitive learning
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العدد الخمسون . مجلة الفتح . آب لسنة ٢٠١٢ م.د. بثینة عبد الخالق ابراھیم
style has no priority on the traditional style in skilful
performance nor in increasing the achievement in throwing the
disc in track and field games despite the increase of the
motivation of the students and their enthusiasm in learning using
this style .
The researcher recommended the use of the competitive learning
style inside the classroom for its effect on increasing the
knowledge achievement. Moreover, the researcher
recommended the necessity of testing more than one style to
achieve good skilful learning and increasing the achievement in
the current studied activit
المصادر :
١ .توفيق احمد مرعي واحمد محمود الحيلة؛ طرائق التدريس العامة،ط ١) : عمان
، الاردن ، دار المسيرة للنشر والتوزيع ،٢٠٠٢. (
٢ .سعد جلال ؛ المرجع في علم النفس :( القاهرة : دار الفكر العربي ، ١٩٨٥م).
٣ .محم ود داود الربيع ي ؛التعل يم وال تعلم ف ي التربي ة البدني ة والرياض ية ،ط ١
:(النجف الأشرف دار الضياء، ٢٠١١ (
٤ .الربيعي، محمود داود وسعيد صالح امين، الاتجاهات الحديثة في تدريس التربية
الرياضية: (مطبعة المنارة، العراق ،اربيل، ٢٠١٠(
٥ .نوري إبراهيم الشوك و رافع الكبيسي؛ دليل البحاث لكتاب ة الابح اث ف ي التربي ة
الرياضية: (بغداد، ٢٠٠٤.(
٦ .عب د الجلي ل الزوبع ي ومحم د الغن ام؛ من اهج البح ث ف ي التربي ة،ج١) : مطبع ة
جامعة بغداد ،١٩٨١.(
٧ .ص ريح عب د الك ريم الف ضلي وطال ب في صل؛ ألع اب ال ساحة والمي دان "كت اب
منهجي" ،ط١) بغداد ، مطابع وزارة التعليم العالي،٢٠٠١. (
٨ .ص ريح عب د الك ريم وآخ رون؛ الق انون ال دولي لألع اب الق وى لله واة ( إص دار
الاتحاد الدولي لألعاب القوى للهواة، ٢٠٠٤(
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العدد الخمسون . مجلة الفتح . آب لسنة ٢٠١٢ م.د. بثینة عبد الخالق ابراھیم
٩ .ريسان خريبط مجيد و عبد الرحمن مصطفى ؛ ألعاب القوى ، ط١) عمان، دار
العلمية الدولية ودار الثقافة للنشر،٢٠٠٢ (
١٠ .العسكري ،وداد يوسف ، تصميم منهاج تعليمي بألعاب القوى لتط وير بع ض
الحركات الاساسية وعناصر اللياقة البدنية : رسالة ماجستير ، جامعة بغداد كلية
التربية الرياضية للبنات ٢٠٠٧.
١١ .بثين ة عب د الخ الق اب راهيم البي اتي ؛ الحقيب ة التعليمي ة وتأثيره ا ف ي التح صيل
المعرف ي والأداء المه اري ف ي بع ض فعالي ات ال ساحة والمي دان : (اطروح ة
دكتوراه ، كلية التربية الرياضية للبنات ، جامعة بغداد،٢٠٠٥.( ............للتدريس الحديثة الطرق. ١٢
١٣ .التعليم التنافسي - منتديات بوابة العرب (منتدى التربي ة والتعل يم )-www .......
١٤ .ا لاعداد المهاري ف ي الت دريب الرياض ي، ٢٠٠٨ المملك ة العربي ة ال سعودية
١٥ .الموق ع الترب وي لل دكتور وجي ه المرس ي أب ولبن ال تعلم التناف سى…..
١٦ .د.محم د غن يم.. . -www
١٧ .ناهده الدليمي، التعلم التناف سي: جامع ة باب ل - كلي ة التربي ة الرياض ية ال تعلم
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١٨ .الحيلة محمد محمود:التصميم التعليمي نظرية وممارس ة (دار الم سيرة للن شر
والتوزيع،عمان)ط١، ١٩٩٩
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