Methods of raising the efficiency of the processor (PROCESSOR) in the execution of orders


  • Wassim Saad Nassif مركز الحاسبة والانترنيت / جامعة ديالى
  • Yasser Ismail Hamid كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى


Scientific research aims to develop the scientific process and revolves around how to raise processing efficiency and speed of implementation and get rid of cases of slowness and lack of response that occur in computers.



How to Cite

وسيم سعد نصيف and م.م. ياسر اسماعيل حميد, “ Methods of raising the efficiency of the processor (PROCESSOR) in the execution of orders”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 173–181, May 2023.