Sports injuries and the success of rehabilitative methods for players injured in a duel


  • Firas Talib Hammadi كلية التربية الرياضية / جامعة ديالى


The modern fencing game is primarily based on mastering the individual skills of the player, and this is what we call good technique, in addition to mastering the different game plans. In general, the duel depends on the foundations of tactics.
And that modern fencing contains the art of technique and a number of operations and necessary elements, including technical matters, the psychological states of the players, methods of training the player as an individual or with a group of players as a team, as well as external factors, including the stadium, spectators, and the special conditions of the game during matches, and that fencing requires the player to exert maximum effort in a manner An individual in which he highlights his global skill while playing and is motivated by factors that are not limited to providing the best game, but rather achieving victory over the opponent, for national, educational, as well as material dimensions, which qualify him for professionalism. Therefore, the fencing game seeks to search for new methods in planning and practicing tactics in order to achieve the best results and reach the desired goal based on scientific foundations and high psychological capabilities.
Today sport has come to represent the development taking place in countries in all its social, civilizational and cultural fields. As sporting events are one of the most important methods of self-expression as well as attracting the attention of the masses because of the excitement they contain. As a result, these events have evolved with the development of the requirements of life in particular.
The practice of sports represents different pressures on the muscles, joints, ligaments and synovial pads, which leads to the possibility of injuries of different severity and in different parts of the body, according to the requirements and impact of the practiced sports activity and as a result of direct contact with the players, which would increase the possibility of injury.



How to Cite

م.م. فراس طالب حمادي, “Sports injuries and the success of rehabilitative methods for players injured in a duel”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 234–241, May 2023.