Modification on the Algorithm of RSA Cryptography System


  • Assad Ibraheem Khyoon College of Engineering Diala University



The protection of information for long period time is very critical in many environments. One way of implementation this protection with high activity is RSA cryptosystem. In this paper the old algorithm of RSA system is showed. And for more complexity and to increase time of attack coding. A new coefficient is z has been added to generator function Φ(n) in additional to selected p and q witch are depended in old algorithm. Furthermore: A flowchart of this moderation is presented with corresponding Matlab program ,and for more illustration one mathematical example is employed here



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How to Cite

Assad Ibraheem Khyoon, “Modification on the Algorithm of RSA Cryptography System”, jfath, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1–14, May 2023.