The impact of Thelin's model on the achievement of students of the College of Basic Education / University of Diyala in the educational research curriculum subject
Change is one of the most prominent features of the era in which we live, which includes the fields of life
All 0 it is the era of developments and rapid changes 0 and as a result of this rapid change has lost
Workers in the field of education faced a number of challenges that prompted them to research
diligently in order to find innovative solutions to meet the renewable challenges, and has been the focus of those
Solutions is the endeavor to prepare a person who accepts the successive change and contributes to the development process.Education is the basis of reform and its success, and education is a tremendous force that can purify
Souls, purify them and guide them to the worship of the Creator, the Almighty, the perfection of worship, and it is a power that can
Developing individuals, refining their talents, developing their minds and ideas, and training and strengthening their bodies.And it can motivate society to work and diligence and push its members to cohesion and compassion
And integration, and education is a means to solve problems and promote individuals to progress
In nations, it is a comprehensive and integrated process from the spiritual, mental, physical and psychological aspects
All social aspects so that one side does not dominate the other, it is sporadic development with comprehensiveness
And integration aims to prepare the good individual in an integrated and balanced way to be beneficial to himselfAnd his community is happy in his life. (Al-Hila, 2008: 21)
The colleges of basic education, including the College of Basic Education at Diyala University, have it
A comprehensive goal and specific goals that it seeks to achieve through its educational program and goal
The Comprehensive states the following: “The colleges of basic education aim to prepare teachers
Believing in God, loving their country, believing in the goals and lofty values of their nation, and proud of their heritage
civilization and qualify them to be efficient in performing their educational, professional and national missionPDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
The fiftieth issue. Al-Fath magazine. August of 2012 AD. Ahmad Dawood Salman
They are able to actively participate in building the country and preserving the unity of the country and the nation
They have work ethic and profession.”
(Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, 1998: 4)
Good teaching is like good work that requires sharing and cooperation, not competition
And isolation through a positive emotional social atmosphere in the classroom based on
To a basic axiom is that learning is achieved most effectively if the atmosphere
The emotional social inside the classroom is positive, and this atmosphere creates relationships
The good humanity that exists between the teacher and the students and between the students and each otherWhich creates a participatory democratic climate that gives students the freedom to express opinions, which helps them
On the acquisition of desired directions and values, as well as affects the direction of interest towards the material
And they accept it, which increases their achievement in it and achieves the desired educational goals.
(Al-Laqani and Abu Sunina, 1990: 59)
This is the methodology of scientific and educational research aimed at helping students to
Obtain knowledge and scientific thinking skills to solve problems in their lives
process, in addition to developing products and materials that serve the practical field in education and seek
To train students to organize their ideas, help them, and present them logically
Proper use of the library and its sources and training them on sincerity, honesty and tolerance
Responsibility in transmitting information. (Ghabawi and Abu Shaira, 2010: 27)Thelen model (collective investigation) is based on the development of the educational system about
Through democratic procedures, it is a reaction to the traditional view of learning and a factor pushing for reinstatement
Balance between the roles of both the teacher and the student by following a self-teaching plan
Democratic character and encourage students to dialogue during the lesson and respect their opinions (
Camel, 2005: 119, (The class becomes a family or one work group for it
Its standards, and each member has his role and activities within the sub-working groups that he joins
To it, the teacher turns from an observer of the student's discipline in the classroom, to an observerTo the level of his understanding of the concepts, actions and behaviors that indicate this, and he acts accordingly
It appears to him, so that he helps the student to understand his mistake and then leads him to form a correct understanding
to the topic of the lesson. (Al-Khalili, 1996: 255
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العدد الخمسون .مجلة الفتح . آب لسنة ٢٠١٢ م. احمد داود سلمان
١ .جابر ،عبد الحميد جابر وعايف حبيب: اساسيات التدريس،مطبعة العاتي
٢ .جمل ،محمد جهاد،(٢٠٠٥:(تنمية مهارات التفكير الابداعي من خلال
المناهج الدراسية،دار الكتاب الجامعي العين٠
٣ .الخليلي ،خليل واخرون : تدريس العلوم في مراحل التعليم العام، ط١ ،دار
القلم للنشر والتوزيع ،الامارات، ٠١٩٩٦
٤ .سليم ،محمد جابر واخرون :بناء المناهج وتخطيطها ،ط١،دار الفكر
للنشر والتوزيع ،عمان ،الاردن ،٢٠٠٦م٠
٥ .العلواني ،مهند سامي جيجان:" اثر استعمال استراتيجي كلوز ماير
والاحداث المتناقضة في تعلم المفاهيم الفيزيائية وتنمية التفكير
الناقد"،(اطروحة دكتوراه غير منشوره)،كلية التربية،جامعة بغداد،١٩٩٩
٦ .علي، اسماعيل ابراهيم (٢٠٠٨ : (التفكير الناقد بين النظرية والتطبيق،
ط١ ،دار الزهراء للطباعة والنشر، بغداد .
٧ .عمران، خالد عبد اللطيف محمد(٢٠٠٧:(اثر استعمال انموذج التحري
الجماعي (ثيلين) في تدريب الدراسات الاجتماعية على التحصيل المعرفي
وتنمية بعض مهارات التفكير الناقد لدى تلاميذ الصف الاول الاعدادي ،
المجلة التربوية كلية التربية،جامعة سواهاج، مصر، العدد(٢٣(ص،(١٩٥ -
٨ .عودة، احمد سليمان (١٩٩٨ :(القياس والتقويم في العملية التدريسية،
المطبعة الاردنية – الاردن.
٩ .غباوي، وابو شعيره ، د.ثائر احمد وخالد محمد :مناهج البحث التربوي
مكتبة المجمع العربي ،ط١ ،٢٠١٠:١٧
١٠ .قطامى،يوسف،ونايفة قطامى (١٩٩٨:(نماذج التدريس الصفية، ط٢ ،دار
الشروق للطباعة،عمان.
١١ .الكلزة ،رجب احمد ومختار،حسين:المواد الاجتماعية بين النظرية
والتطبيق،ط١ الكويت ،١٩٨٥
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العدد الخمسون .مجلة الفتح . آب لسنة ٢٠١٢ م. احمد داود سلمان
١٢ .اللقاني، وابو سنينة، تخطيط المنهج وتطويره، د.احمد حسين اللقاني
وعوده عبد الجواد ابو سنينه،جامعة عين شمس ، عمان الدار الاهلية ١٩٨
١٣ .مصطفى ، عبد السلام (١٩٩٨ :(تصميم الانشطة العلمية لكتب العلوم في
المرحلة الابتدائية، مجلة التربية العلمية، المجلد ١ ،العدد الاول ، عمان –
الاردن .
Joyce&weill-m(1986)-models of teaching 3ed
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