Satisfaction with the image of the body at the University of Diyala A comparative study
Satisfaction with the image of the bodyAbstract
The researchers found that most of the female teachers suffer from a feeling of disturbance in their body image and they are not satisfied with it, compared to fashion news and ideal weight standards, and some feel neglected of themselves, and being thin and trying to reach the ideal weight has become their preoccupation. Therefore, the study aimed to identify the existence of differences in the body image of the female students. Female teachers, University of Diyala. The descriptive approach was followed for its suitability to achieve the goal of the research. The study sample was chosen from the Diyala University female teachers in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, the College of Education for Human Sciences and the College of Basic Education. They were chosen randomly and their number was (60) female teachers from the University of Diyala.
The researchers concluded that there are statistically significant differences in favor of female teachers who practice sports activities, and that university female teachers in the physical education and sports science departments are more satisfied with their body image than female teachers who do not practice sports activities because of their preoccupation and lack of time to practice sports activities. The researchers recommended paying attention and highlighting the body image variable and linking it to other psychological and personality variables, because the body image is one of the personal factors and a manifestation of the culture of the era. It must be taken care of because of its importance and a clear reflection on the concept of the bodily self and satisfaction with it, and interest in exercising regularly and daily is a motive in maintaining the agility of the body and health in general. This in itself increases bodily self-esteem and increases self-confidence for everyone, especially women.
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المواقع الالكترونية
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