The Efficiency of Using Wood Burning Technology in Implementing Design Printing Works in Graphics
technique of wood burning , artistic printing works , graphicsAbstract
This paper entitled " The Efficiency of Using Wood Burning Technology in Implementing Design Printing Works in Graphics" aims at preparing an instructive unit in graphic printing by using the technique of wood burning which is innovated , but it is unemployed in implementing design printing works in graphics. This technique is used associatively with the traditional technique of manual digging on wood within the items of graphics subject which is taught in the third year at the Department of Art Education.
To measure the effect of this technique on the students' skillful performance in wood print. A proposed instructive unit was prepared by the researchers. This instructive unit was applied to the third year students at the Department of Art Education, evening studies ,college of Fine Arts ,during the first course of the academic year 2018-2019. The sample of the study consisted of 32 male and female students.
The researchers employed one-experimental group design to find out the impact of the invariable factor (the instructive unit) on the variable factor (the skill levels) of the students under study.
The results of the study revealed statistically significant difference between the students' mean scores in the pre-test and post -test in favor of the post-test . The study results showed the efficiency of the proposed unit and , consequently ,the technique of wood burning accompanying the traditional technique of manual digging on wood taught within the subject of graphics.
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