The effect of using mastery learning in acquiring the scoring skill of stability in basketball


  • Suha Abbas كلية التربية الرياضية / جامعة ديالى
  • Majid Khalil كلية التربية الرياضية / جامعة ديالى
  • Zahir Ghannawi Muhammad كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى



The growing scientific need to monitor behavioral and educational phenomena in
Society in order to develop it and push it forward, can only happen through a process
Increasing interest in studies and research in general and in the field of physical education
In particular, paying attention to learning methods in order to identify the most important of these methods
It works on the learner's interaction with the lesson in a way that suits his general physical capabilities, and then achieves
Educational goals and improving the level of learning, which led to the conclusion of methodsModern in learning and seeking to apply it through which the teacher can access
The learner reaches a better level in terms of preparing and qualifying him to perform and implement some skills
sports. The movement and the process of learning it and the level of complexity in it requires physical capabilities
And movement in accordance with the level of difficulty of the material, hence the interest of those concerned in
The field of motor learning is very large, both scientifically and theoretically.
Basketball is one of the popular team games
Recently, because of the fun and excitement it carries in the technical performance, so I enjoyed this game
interest of many countries of the world.Accordingly, the mastery learning skill is one of the educational philosophies that are under the influence
Different educational conditions lead to learners obtaining and acquiring the best skills. so
The mastery learning style, which relies on continuous repetition, appeared in proportion to the
Physical and skill abilities, noting individual differences in learning. As to follow
Teaching methods and methods in an organized scientific manner that works to involve the learner and highlight
His role is to implement the requirements of the game, as learning the skill and the ability to perform it is one of the conditions
It is essential to master it, because the process of skillful mastery and creativity in the field of the game requires
A state of psychological readiness and mental preparation.
Fifty-first issue. Al-Fath Magazine. September 2012 Saha Abbas
M.D. Majid Khalil
M.D. Daher Ghinawi Muhammad-223 -
Hence the importance of the research by considering proficiency learning as a test that needs
To high attention and awareness that help the student in the game of basketball to take
The right attitude, so learning the skill and being able to perform it is a prerequisite
To master it in order to reach scientific results that can be benefited from in the learning process
and improve the level of performance


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Additional Files



How to Cite

ا.م.د سها عــباس, م.د ماجد خلـــيل, and م.د٠ظاهر غناوي محمد, “The effect of using mastery learning in acquiring the scoring skill of stability in basketball”, jfath, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1–16, Aug. 2023.