Women's rights in Nisa


  • Ali Abed Kno كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى


God Almighty has laid down for the Islamic nation a precise system and a comprehensive approach, which is based on a firm foundation, which is belief in Him, Glory be to Him. without exaggeration or negligence, and make it clear to them that life is not upright and that society does not recover except by knowing everyone who has a right and what he has and what he owes, so that interests do not conflict, desires do not clash, rights are not violated, and duties are not shirked, all through a delicate balance, And he indicated that society's happiness, security and prosperity can only be achieved through good commitment to these rights and their performance to their people in the best and most complete manner.

The basic principle is what the Holy Qur’an legislated regarding human rights in general, whether those rights are personal, social, economic or political. They are legislated for both men and women, because the Sharia’s speeches to people or to those who believe include women, whether they are rights or rights. Assignment, except for what excluded the woman with special evidence, or singled out by a ruling that singled her out. This is the general rule regarding women’s rights in the Holy Qur’an in general and in Surat al-Nisa’ in particular, so if the pre-Islamic era and man-made constitutions had denied women’s rights, Islam guaranteed her rights in various fields, as it honored her as a daughter, wife and mother, and Surat al-Nisa’ is at the forefront. The surahs that show the rights of women, and for all of that, I called this research “the rights of women in Surat An-Nisa” to show through this research that the Holy Qur’an gave women rights that all creatures did not give them through their man-made constitutions and their false calls for women’s rights, and they are the ones who made women a commodity to be sold And it is bought with the most impure prices, so they reduced its value and degraded its position. I divided my research into an introduction, three investigations, and a conclusion.



How to Cite

م.م. علي عبد كنو, “Women’s rights in Nisa”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 32–41, Jun. 2023.