The common viral infections in a blood multi-transfused patients ( Thalassaemia and sickle cell anemia, in Diuala governorate


  • Nadhim Ghazal Numan Dep. Of comm.. medicine, college of medicine Diyala university.



Common viral diseases in recipient patients
blood constantly
(Mediterranean anemia and sickle cell anemia) in Diyala Governorate.
This cross-sectional study analyzed 192 cases of patients with Mediterranean anemia and sickle cell anemia, as well as (7050) people who donated blood in the blood bank in Diyala province.
The prevalence of viral diseases in patients was 28% (26.5% viral hepatitis type C, 1.5% type B), and there were no positive cases of immunodeficiency disease.
It was found that the prevalence of the disease was more among males than among females. The prevalence of viral hepatitis C was higher among patients who underwent spleen removal.
And also more among patients who take blood in a numerical quantity than others.
The disease prevalence among blood donors was 1.04%.


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How to Cite

Nadhim Ghazal Numan, “The common viral infections in a blood multi-transfused patients ( Thalassaemia and sickle cell anemia, in Diuala governorate”, jfath, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 223–231, May 2023.