Relationship with the severity of pregnancy, menstrual disorders, training players at gymnasticsResearch and descriptivePlayers on the applicants and Women Paljmanacetk


  • Abdul Sattar Jassim Al Nuaimi جامعة ديالى /كلية التربية الرياضية



The world of physical education is very broad..and delving into its corners has no end..and the researchers began to discuss its topics..and shed light on certain areas..and in proportions and different depending on its importance or the provision of its requirements..and not much dealt with some very important advantages whose information is not available to the coaches. And others, including some physiological and health phenomena and their relationship to the training process and their impact on the results of the players in general..


اج الهرموني .

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How to Cite

Abdul Sattar Jassim Al Nuaimi, “Relationship with the severity of pregnancy, menstrual disorders, training players at gymnasticsResearch and descriptivePlayers on the applicants and Women Paljmanacetk”, jfath, vol. 10, no. 2, May 2023.