Types Of Sentences Used in composition among preparatory school students


  • Qassim Mohammed Aboud Al Amiri Ministry of Education/ Directorate of Education Diyala




sentences, used, composition


 The current study aims at examining the preparatory school students' use of the various types of Arabic sentences in composition  and the ability of diversifying such sentences to increase the aesthetics of the subjects they are writing and demonstrate the extent of their language proficiency and expressive abilities in writing

So, the aim of the current research is to identify the types of sentences used by students in their composition writings, as the researcher identified the types of sentences that may be included in the students' writings. He then identified his research community with the students of Baquba city. He chose a group of students to represent the original sample which consisted of (100) students from three schools in Baquba center. Accordingly, the researcher identified the students' writings and then analyzed them and categorized them according to the specific research goal. After completing the data in a questionnaire prepared for this purpose, he analyzed the data and calculated the frequencies that appeared for the types of sentences used by the students in their writings. The research exposed that the types of sentences specified in the form appeared with different and various frequencies ranking respectively from the first to the last sentence as in (the first rank is the verb phrase whose verb is in the past tense, then the prepositional phrase, noun phrase comes later, and then again the verb phrase comes with present tense, and finally, the interrogative comes and the adverbial clause).  

After the researcher presented the results that appeared to try to explain the emergence of these frequencies and percentages depending on the experience of education and reference to the literature and sources that are concerned with the subject was interpretation of the results chapter For a recent research. He then recommended a number of recommendations and proposed a number of suggestions hoping that those responsible for education would get benefit from in conducting future studies that would increase the development of Arabic language in education and other disciplines.



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How to Cite

قاسم محمد عبود العميري, “Types Of Sentences Used in composition among preparatory school students”, jfath, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 438–457, Aug. 2023.