The Effect of Using Games as Teaching Tools for Teaching English as a Foreign Language on the Achievement of Intermediate schools pupil


  • Eman Salih Hmoody Technical Institute / Baquba



Using games are the most effective technique for a teacher when he/she wants to allow foreign language learners practice in the target language, games allow learners not only to practice forms that they have already learned, but also allow them to experiment with new structures. The aim of the study is to investigate empirically the effect of using Games as a teaching device in learning vocabulary on the achievement of Intermediate Schools Pupils. The following conclusions can be drawn: 1-Using the traditional techniques in teaching a foreign language, pupils have displayed weakness 2- Games language techniques helps the learners increase communicative skills, encourage participation , change the attitudes towards language learning 3- It trains students to use the foreign language. 4-Teaching vocabulary by using language games technique is more effective than teaching vocabulary without using this technique 5- Language games is great technique to motivate students toward a more active approach to learning


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How to Cite

Eman Salih Hmoody, “The Effect of Using Games as Teaching Tools for Teaching English as a Foreign Language on the Achievement of Intermediate schools pupil”, jfath, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 172–182, Aug. 2023.