Math Anxiety Test among Higher Basic Stage Students and Its Relationship with Their Attitudes toward Mathematics


  • Imad Mutef Al-zuhairi Amman Arab University
  • Sana Abd el-kareem Naser Amman Arab University


Math Anxiety Test, Attitudes towards Math


The aim of this study is to detect the math anxiety test among higher basic stage students and its relationship with students’ attitudes toward mathematics, the researchers used the Description Correlational Method due to its appropriateness to the nature of this study, where the community of the study included all students in the higher basic Stage (8th grade) in the Second Amman Directorate's (3254) student. A simple random was chosen from the original study community, (200) students from four schools. The researchers used a questionnaire to measure math test anxiety for Suinn (Suinn Test Anxiety Scale) which consisted of (33) paragraph, and students attitude questionnaire toward mathematics that developed by Abu Zeina and Kilani, which consisted of (28) paragraph, which applied on the study sample. Pearson Correlation Coefficient was applied to find the relationship between Math Anxiety and the attitudes towards mathematics. The study came up with the following results: 

  • Math anxiety test for the students in the higher basic stage was between medium and high levels.
  • Student's attitudes towards of mathematics among students in the high basic stage were between medium and high levels.

There is negative relationship between math test anxiety and students attitudes towards mathematics, the Pearson correlation coefficient between them equals (-0.47).


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How to Cite

عماد متعب الزهيري and سناء عبد الكريم نصر, “Math Anxiety Test among Higher Basic Stage Students and Its Relationship with Their Attitudes toward Mathematics”, jfath, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 1–34, Aug. 2023.