Evaluation of Technical and Vocational Rehabilitation Program for Secondary students and the attitude towards Technical Colleges in Buraidah from the enrolled students’ perspective
Evaluation of Technical and Vocational Rehabilitation Program - Secondary School Students’ attitudes - Faculty of Food and EnvironmentAbstract
The problem of the this research is the general education students’ reluctance to the professions that promote the society and support its independence, as well as the students’ reluctance to join the technical colleges because of their misconceptions about these colleges. These problems resulted in adopting an integrated program between the Ministry of Education and the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training for the qualification of human cadres in general education, the correction of the perspective of professions and professional positions, and improving the attitudes towards technical colleges and industrial institutes.
Therefore, the research tries to evaluate the technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students from the participants’ viewpoints, which is being implemented within technical colleges and institutes affiliated of the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training. The research focuses on evaluating the program in two units of the city of Buraidah, by analyzing the attitudes of the students enrolled in the program as a whole, and exploring the extent to which the program is successful in improving the students’ attitudes towards technical colleges in general. The research has attempted to answer the following questions:
- What is the degree of assessment of the technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students within technical and vocational education and training from the perspective of the enrolled students in two units of Buraidah city?
2- How different are the attitudes of students enrolled in the technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students between the two units in terms of their evaluation of the program?
3- How different are the attitudes of students enrolled in the technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students between the two units towards technical colleges?
4- What is the effectiveness of the technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students in improving the enrolled students’ attitudes towards technical colleges?
- What are the proposed perceptions needed to improve the technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students from the enrolled students’ perspective?
The research used the descriptive method because of its relevance to the research subject and objectives to evaluate the technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students within technical and vocational education and training in Buraidah from the general education students’ perspective , as well as to identify their attitudes towards joining the technical colleges, through the following instruments prepared by the researcher:
- A questionnaire to evaluate technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students within technical and vocational education and training for the enrolled students from their perspective. (Closed and open because some questions are open-ended) (post)
- A questionnaire to measure the enrolled students’ attitudes towards joining technical colleges in general. (Pre and Post).
The main findings of this study include:
1- The degree of assessment of technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students within technical and vocational education and training from perspective of students enrolled in the first program was "high" for all evaluation axes with an assessment rate of (75.78%).
2- There is a difference between the two units in the degree of assessment of technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students from the enrolled students’ perspective, and in favor of the first unit, that is, the first unit differs in its assessment of the program from the second unit’s assessment.
3- There is a difference between the two units students in favor of the first unit in their attitudes towards the technical college, although the same technical and vocational rehabilitation program for secondary students was applied to the two different units.
4- The program has a positive impact on the students’ attitudes in the two different units towards the technical colleges affiliated of the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training.
5- There are multiple accepted perspectives and sometimes unaccepted among the students enrolled in the program, the most important of which are the positives of acquiring new skills and professions.
Recommendations include:
- Developing a clear strategy for training and education that makes the outputs compatible with the requirements of the labor market, and take into account the current and future needs and priorities of the private sector.
- Paying attention to the field of curricula and methods of training and teaching in vocational and technical education, and give special attention to the mechanism of applying the curricula of vocational education in the general education stage.
- Paying more attention to the education and vocational training environment and infrastructure, in order to provide the conducive conditions for education and vocational technical training and work in various fields
- Increasing the number of programs provided by technical colleges and institutes affiliated of the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training to provide many alternatives to join the student preference.
- Focusing on the preparing trainers’ cadres of high level of efficiency, as the success of the training programs depends primarily on their level of performance.
- Focusing in technical and vocational education and training programs on practical aspects together with theoretical aspects to develop and improve skills.
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