The Obstacles to the Application of Electronic Administration at University of Diyala
the obstacles, electronic administrationAbstract
The current study aims to:
- identify the most important obstacles that prevent the application of electronic administration at the University of Diyala.
- identify the most important technical obstacles that prevent the application of electronic administration at the University of Diyala.
- identify the most important human obstacles that prevent the application of electronic administration at the University of Diyala.
- identify the most important financial obstacles that prevent the application of electronic administration at the University of Diyala.
The sample of the study was 142 administrative leaders in the Presidency of Diyala University and its affiliated colleges. The researchers used a checklist as a tool for the current study. It consisted of (45) items distributed among (4) axes. The tool was applied for the academic year 2017-2018. The results was analyzed by using the suitable statistical means.
The Results
- The number of axes that are no longer considered as obstacles is to one axis, which is the administrative axis.
- The number of axes that were counted as obstacles were three axes: technical axis, axis of human resources and axis of financial affairs.
- The administrative axis got a weighted average of (2.89) and weight percentage of (57.8). The technical axis got a weighted average of (3.44) and weight percentage of (68.8). Human resource axis got a weighted average of (3.28) and weight percentage of (65.6). The axis of financial affairs got a weighted average of (3.49) and weight percentage of (69.8).
- The number of items counted as obstacles were (29) items, which constituted 64.44% of the total number of items, while the number of items that are no longer obstacles were (16) items, which constituted a proportion of (35.56) of the total number of the items.
In the light of the results of the research, the researchers reached at the following conclusions:
- The existence of obstacles to the axes of electronic administration adopted in the current study (except for the administrative axis), with varying proportions and weights percentage which was a natural result due to the conditions that Diyala governorate experienced which adversely affected the development of the university institution.
- Proper planning by the high leaders at the University of Diyala reflected positively to the employment of some programs and electronic techniques.
- The design of the organizational structure of the University is compatible with the techniques and electronic programs necessary to implement electronic administration.
- The deficit in the budget of the government reflected negatively on the optimal employment of information technology for the application of electronic administration in the University of Diyala.
- The weakness of the programs and training courses in the development of human resources skills to use the electronic techniques.
The main recommendations of the study:
In light of the results of the research, the researchers recommend the following:
- Granting an authority to the university institution to develop and change the laws and instructions related to the various administrative procedures.
- Work on the development and updating of programs and courses in line with the variables of the current stage.
- Dissemination of the culture of change among the members of the university institution through seminars and defining posters.
- Sending the administrative leaders to universities that work in electronic administration system to identify the working procedures of these modern administrative systems.
- The necessity of activating the role of the university in its contact with the institutions of society (the private and public sectors) and of contributing to the development of society.
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