Functional phosphagine anoxic ability and its relationship to the skill of hitting the high crushing volleyball


  • amal sabih salman طالبة دكتوراه / كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى



Research Summary :
The research contained five chapters, as the researcher dealt with the introduction in the first chapter
And the importance of the research The researcher explained the importance of the game of volleyball, which is one of the
Team games that have their basic principles and have their own skill and include
Offensive skills, defensive skills, defensive offensive skills and the link of these
The game is closely linked (with the science of physiology) due to the importance of this science in the process
Development in the scientific and mathematical field, in addition to the functional competence that he possesses
The athlete has a direct, significant and influential role in the level of his performance properly
Which results in a good performance to win the match, as well as the first chapter contains
The research problem that centered around the research is that most of the trainers focus on
Skillful performance and do not pay special attention to functional variables, including ability
Phosphagine anoxic functional, which has a direct impact on the accuracy of outstanding performance
Therefore, the researcher decided to study this problem by knowing the relationship between functional ability
Phosphagenic deoxygenation and the skill of crushing high volleyball. Either
The second chapter included theoretical studies, and the researcher dealt with clarifying the concept
Non-oxygen functional capabilities and their importance to the volleyball player. What is the ability?
The short phosphagenic anoxic function, the nature of the overwhelming high multiplication and
Types of crushing beating and the method of performing the crushing beating. The third chapter of
The research contained research methodology, field procedures, and a description of a community and a sample
The research reached the number of players for whom the test was conducted (9) players representing the national team
The university played volleyball in the College of Physical Education, and the percentage of the sample was to the community
The original percentage is (75%), and the research variables and the most important tests were identified
used as well as statistical methods The fourth chapter included a presentation
The researcher reached the results and discussed them based on a group of
Scientific sources As for the fifth chapter, it included conclusions, recommendations and sources
and references..


المصادر :

١ -ابراهيم سالم ، عبد الرحمن عبد الحميد احمد سالم ؛ موسـوعة فـسيولوجيا

مسابقات المضمار ، ط١) : القاهرة ، مركز الكتاب للنشر ، ١٩٩٨ ( ص٦٢

٢ - احمد عبد الرضا ؛ تأثير تمرينات خاصة وفق بعض المتغيرات البيوميكانيكية

في تطوير اداء مهارة الضرب الساحق المواجه (الامامي والخلفي) بالكرة الطائرة

للشباب : اطروحة دكتوراه غير منشورة ؛ جامعة بغداد ، كلية التربية الرياضية ،

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٨ - اكرم خطابية ، موسوعة الكرة الطائرة ، ط ١) ، عمان ، دار الفكر العربـي

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٩ - عقيل الكاتب (واخرون) ، التكنيك والتكتيك الفردي في الكرة الطائرة ، (بغداد

، مطبعة جامعة بغداد ، ١٩٧٩ ( ص١٤ .

١٠ - وحيد محجوب وقاسم المندلاوي ، طرائق البحث العلمـي ومناهجـه فـي

التربية الرياضية ، (بغداد ، مطبعة وزارة التعليم العالي ، ١٩٨٨ ،( ص١٥ .

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١٢ - اقتبس هذا الاختبار من محمد صبحي حسانين وحمدي عبد المنعم ، الاسس

العلمية ، وأجرى عليه بعض التعديلات في عدد المحاولات المحدودة البالغة (١٥ (

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١٣ - عبد الرحمن عدس : مبادىء علم الاحصاء في التربيـة وعلـم الـنفس ،

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How to Cite

م. أمال صبيح سلمان, “Functional phosphagine anoxic ability and its relationship to the skill of hitting the high crushing volleyball”, jfath, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1–15, Aug. 2023.