A Linguistic Analysis of Dummy subject It


  • Sarab Kadir Mugair AL – Shammary Diala University Basic Education College



The term reference has already been used to contrast with denotation. It is also used in a useful, but wider sense, to contrast with sense, to distinguish between two very different, though related, aspects of meaning. Reference deals with the relationship between the linguistic element, words,sentences, etc. and the non - linguistic world of experience. Sense relates to the complex system of relationship that holds between The linguistic elements themselves, it is concerned only with intra – linguistic relations. (Palmer, 1988: 30)



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How to Cite

Sarab Kadir Mugair AL – Shammary, “A Linguistic Analysis of Dummy subject It”, jfath, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 20–25, May 2023.