Evaluation of program to preparing science teacher in the college of education at the University of Diyala in the light of overall quality standards
Overall quality standardsAbstract
Our world pass today very important to get into a new era characterized by unsurpassed quality variables resulted in some of the challenges facing the Arab nation, such as globalization and the information revolution, communication and technology.
Out of that reform of the Muslim Education begins the teacher and ends, there is no doubt that raising teacher scientifically, educationally and socially helps the success and efficiency of the educational process. It is imperative that attention begins to rehabilitate the teacher and set good preparation of the focus on the design of effective programs to set up in colleges of education and other institutions to prepare and qualify the teacher. Vtahill teacher qualified scientifically and behavioral is one of the fundamental building blocks that builds upon the development of society and its progress, and this setting and rehabilitation can only be achieved through effective preparation programs are evaluated according to an ongoing process to ensure the quality of their performance and effectiveness in the preparation of the teacher.
There is no doubt that the process of the ongoing evaluation of teacher preparation programs in colleges of education process is very important to help correct errors and address the shortcomings and weaknesses in the programs and enhance strengths. Given the importance of continuous assessment preparation programs teachers in general and preparation programs science teachers in the Faculty of Education in particular in the development of these programs on an ongoing basis, ensuring graduation teachers efficiently and prepare academic and educational excellence, and the result of all that improve the quality of the educational process in general education and improve outcomes .
Hence the two researcher is developed the following objective in this question:
availability comprehensive quality standarsds in the program preparing sciences teachers (Biology , chemistry) in the faculty Education at the University of Diyala? From the point view of :
- Fourth grade students (Biology , chemistry).
- Faculty members teaching and their assistance .
The current research is limited to:-
- the college of Education at the University of Diyala.
- All members of the faculty and their who teach students scientific disciplines (chemistry, biology).
- Fourth grade students scientific disciplines (chemistry, biology).
- Second semester (2014-2015).
The two researchers used the descriptive analytical method which is not limited to data collection, tabulation, but also includes the interpretation and analysis of these data, has reached faculty members and their assistants (41) a member of the scientific departments and their assistance(Chemistry, Biology) of the Faculty in the college of Education at the University of Diyala. A total of (109) paragraphs were prepared for each questionnaire.
The results showed overall lack of comprehensive quality standards in the Setup science teacher at the Faculty of Education at the University of Diyala.
In light of the findings the two researchers have made a number of recommendations including:
- Determine the mission and objectives of the program preparing science teacher in the College of Education at the University of Diyala and the composition of the committees specializing in educational science for the development of science teacher Setup and planning decisions.
- Determining precise specifications and conditions for acceptance and commitment to students.
- Provision of equipment and materials needed to carry out scientific experiments.
- Revising the program of preparing science teacher at the Faculty of Education at the University of Diyala in the light of overall quality standards.
The two researchers suggested a range of studies including:
- Conduct similar studies in various disciplines and departments.
- Conducting similar studies after four years to see how the improvement in the science teacher preparation programs.
- Scientific studies aimed at developing science teacher preparation programs in particular, and teacher preparation programs in various disciplines at the University of Diyala.
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