الصمود النفسي وعلاقته بالقيمة العاطفية لدى طلبة الجامعة


  • Sally Talib Alwan College education of woman
  • Jameelah Raheem Abed Waeli College education of woman




psychological resilience, emotional value



The current study aims at knowing

1-The psychological resilience of Baghdad University students.

2 - The psychological resilience according to gender (male/female) and specialization (humanity/ scientific) of students in Baghdad University.

3 - The emotional value of university students.

4- The emotional value according to gender (male/female) and specialization (humanity/ scientific) of students in Baghdad University.

5- The relationship between psychological resilience and the emotional value among university students.

       The present research is limited to the morning study in Baghdad University from both genders (male/female) and for both specializations (humanity /scientific).The sample consists of (150) male and female students drived by using the random method. The researchers have prepared a scale for measuring the psychological resilience consists of (23) items, they are given (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) when correction. In order to ascertain the validity of the scale, the researchers have used the logical validity and the construct validity. As for the reliability of the scale, the researchers have used Alpha-Cronbach formula, where the reliability of the scale of psychological resilience is (0.732). However, the researchers have prepared a scale for measuring the emotional value which consists of (21) items when correction, they are given (1,0). In order to ascertain the reliability of the scale, the researchers have used Kuder-Ritchardson equation, where the reliability coefficient is (0.76) for the scale of the emotional value                                                                         

      In order to treat the data of the present research, the statistical means have been used through using the statistical package (SPSS). However, the results show the following: 

  • University students have characterized by psychological resilience.
  • There are no statistically significant differences according to gender (male/female) on the scale of psychological resilience.
  • There are no statistically significant differences according to specialization (humanity/scientific) on the scale of psychological resilience.
  • University students have emotional value.
  • There are statistically significant differences according to gender (male /female) for the benefit of males.
  • There are statistically significant differences according to specialization (humanity/scientific) for the benefit of scientific on the scale of emotional value.
  • There is a proportional positive relationship between psychological resilience and the emotional value in university students.



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How to Cite

سالي طالب علوان and جميلة رحيم عبد, “الصمود النفسي وعلاقته بالقيمة العاطفية لدى طلبة الجامعة”, jfath, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 46–72, Aug. 2023.