Social pressure and its impact on the values of the students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Diyala University
The university is considered as an educational station in the lifestyle of the students for what presents of syllabus and used for growing the moral traditions and gives are salts of the conducts which are either negative or positive which effect a group of community that’s mean students of the both sex .the importance of our research paper is included knowing the effect of the social tension which are participate in showing the unbalance in the social traditions for the students of the educational gymnastics department . the studies suggested that there are circumstances which have count in the level of social tension for the students of first and forth grade ( stage )and using measurement of social tensions and traditions , designed by Mustafa Hussain Bahi he concluded that there are count deference's high ten and low the pressure in the traditions among the students in the educational gymnastics department for both grades first and forth .the study advised in the necessity of making educational lectures to educate students toward the positive community of the social traditions.
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