The effect of the method to recognize the spelling errors and its correction in a spelling topic among the elementary –stage students.


  • Ali Fadhil Mahdi Baghdad education directorate / Rusafa/3.



The effect of the method to recognize the spelling errors


        The current study aims  to know " The effect of  the method to recognize  spelling errors  and  its correction in a spelling  topic  among the  elementary –stage  students.

The researcher  has intentionally  chosen (al-Manhal      elementary school for boys) that is related to the Baghdad  education directorate / Rusafa/3، that includes  two sections for  the fifth  stage ،  the section ( A)  has been randomly  chosen to represent  the experimental group  that is taught by the method of  recognizing  the spelling errors  and its correction ، while the section (B) represents the control group  that is learnt by  the traditional method . The sample of the research  amounted  66  students ، by  (33)  students  for the experimental group and (33) students for the control group.

In order to  fulfill the goal of the research ، the researcher has placed the following  Zero hypothesis:

There are not  statistically  differences  between  scores ' averages of the experimental groups students  who have been taught by the method of  recognizing   the spelling errors  and its correction  and  scores'  averages of the control  group students  who  have been taught  by the traditional method in  a selling. The researcher has  statistically  made a equivalence between  students of two groups in the following  variables (the age multiplied with months ، scores  of a spelling topic for the former year ( 2017-2018) ، parents ' education ،  and intelligence test).  The researcher  has used  SPSS  ( statistical means)  (  T-test for two independent samples، K square ،Pearson  coefficient  correlation ,wrong alternatives activity ، Coefficient of difficulty and ease of paragraphs) . After  the researcher  has specified   (6) scientific topics  that he will teach  during the  duration of the experience، the researcher has formulated  behavioral goals and has prepared teaching plans  for that purpose ; he has offered  these plans to  a group of experts  to know its validity . Alterations have been made  and the plans have thus become ready  for application  in the light of  their opinions .

The researcher has used tool of scale to measure the spelling among  students  of  the  research's two groups،  it has been chosen one subject  from among other subjects to make  post-test by the end of the experiment . After  analyzing the results ، it has been indicated  that  there have been  statistic differences  at the level of  (0.05)  between  scores ' average of students of the research 's   two groups  in the  spelling  for the benefit of   the students of  the experimental group  who  teach  the spelling  by the method of recognizing the  spelling errors  and its correction.

          In the light of   that ،  the researcher has  recommended   to apply the method to recognize the spelling errors and its correction   to  the  teaching and education  for being considered  as an essential element to raise  the level of  the  students' ability  in  the writing as to make competition among the students.

The researcher has concluded that the method to recognize spelling errors  and  its correction helps  the students  build their knowledge by depending on themselves and encourage the students  to be bravely in  the writing  and self- confidence .

The researcher has recommended  to trust  this method  in teaching this method   among  5th- elementary stage students  for being considered a modern method  that permits  the opportunity  to  positively make interactions among the students  inside the class.

To complete the  current study ،  the researcher  suggest to make other studies  similar to the current one  in other stages (intermediate and  secondary stages).



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How to Cite

علي فاضل مهدي, “The effect of the method to recognize the spelling errors and its correction in a spelling topic among the elementary –stage students”., jfath, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 360–388, Aug. 2023.