Dealing with the means of Social communication and its realation to Creativity awareness among studunts of ;indergarten department
Creativity awarenessAbstract
Modern technology is one of the most important feactuers of our modren era of diverse and diverse communication methods , with its potential for indivitual & socaiety as well as, studies have shown that the means of modren technology can gain individual creative experiences in many areas , but it is not free of the pros and cons as any new means , depending on how the individual deal with them & how benefit from what they offer ; because it is an open gateway to cultures and informations .
The research aims to identify :
- The treatment with the socail media of students of kindergarten department
- The most socail media used by student
- Awearness of creativity among students
- Awearness of creativity among students debending on the stage variable
- The correlation between dealing with the means of social communication and Awareness of Creativity of the students
The sample of research was (200) student , the researcher constructed the scal for dealing with social media and adopted the measure of Awareness of Craetivity for ( Al Mahdawi 2010) .
The results showed the following :
- The students have a high deal & a lot with the means of social communication and SnapChat is the highest used
- The students have no awareness of creativity at the requird level
- The students have no awareness of creativity according to the variable stage
- Ther is a weak correlation between the awareness of creativity and dealing with social communication in student
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