Problems of the Students of the College of Education for Humanities from their Viewpoint


  • . Hanan Falah Hassan Nahrain University/College of Law



Problems , achievement


This  study aimed to identify the most important problems faced by the students of the College  of Education for Humanities from their point of view. The study sample consisted of  300  male and female students. The researcher used a questionnaire as a tool for the current study. It consisted of (45) items distributed over  four main aspects. Appropriate statistical means  were used in the analysis of results.

Analysis of results have shown the following:           

1.The number of the items  that represent the problems faced by students and affect the level of their academic achievement  are(26) items , which constitute (57.78%) of the total number of items, while the number of items which don't represent problems facing the students and which do not affect their achievement level  are (19) items, constituting 42.22% of the total number of items.

2.The results showed that the social and economic problems were the most influential problems on the level of students' achievement, which came first with a weighted average of (3.48) and a percentage weight of (69.6).In the second rank came the problems related to the students themselves with a weighted average (3.42 ) and a percentage weight of (68.4 ). In the third rank came the problems related to methodology with a weighted average (3.38 ) ) and a percentage weight of (67.6 ). The problems related to the staff members were the lowest on the level of students' achievement with a weighted average (3.17) and a percentage weight (63.4).

The main conclusions of the study are:       

1.The accumulated deficit of the financial budget has had a negative impact on providing the necessary the classrooms with necessary equipment as well as the weak development of infrastructure and  the lack of job degrees for  the new graduates of  the colleges of education for humanities.

2.The pressure on students due to the repeated holidays, in order to complete the items of the curriculum at the specified date negatively affected  the level of students' achievement



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How to Cite

حنان فلاح حسن, “Problems of the Students of the College of Education for Humanities from their Viewpoint”, jfath, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 486–506, Aug. 2023.