Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Al- Esra'a University College EFLs


  • Zainab Tariq Abdul-Kareem Al- Esra'a University College\ Department of English Language\ Baghdad \ Iraq




Vocabulary Learning Strategies, Learning English as a Foreign Language, Al-Esra’a University English Students Department


Al-Esra’a University English Students Department practice diverse approaches throughout their academic year for vocabulary items learning. However, it is unidentified that which strategy is mostly used than the other.  Our present study assists in examining the strategies utilization for the vocabulary learning. This study investigates  the subsequent query:  "What are the most and the least used vocabulary strategies by the students of the Department of English?" The hypothesis of this study reveals  that "The most vocabulary learning strategies used are determination strategies (deciding which vocabulary to learn), and the least vocabulary learning strategies used are social learning strategies (incorporating others in learning vocabulary)". To verify this hypothesis, five parts questionnaire was used which included three questions in each part. This questionnaire was then applied to Al- Esra’a University College’s forty two students from the academic year 2018 - 2019. Data analysis acquired commencing the questionnaire which illustrated the maximum students’ response towards the strategy of determination. Thus, most of the student’s reaction towards the determination learning strategy than social related strategy verifies the accuracy of this hypothesis. This study  has been divided into two parts: a theoretical & a practical part. The theoretical part helps in learning the vocabulary using its categories according to the Schmitt taxonomy (1997). Whereas, the practical part focuses on the usage of Statistical Package for Social Studies (SPSS) for analysis of data. The current study ends at conclusions.



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How to Cite

زينب طارق عبد الكريم, “Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Al- Esra’a University College EFLs”, jfath, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1–21, Aug. 2023.