After the exercise of skill in writing and the preparation of plans and their impact on performanceSkills and attitudes to the study of physical education
The success in the teaching process and mastering it, and then achieving the desired goals, calls for the adoption of organized and elaborate planning, as educators (teachers, teachers) must have extensive knowledge of all its different aspects.
General education is a system, the curriculum is a system, examinations are a system, and the classroom situation is a system. Therefore, the school is part of the educational system established by the community to adapt students socially and make them useful members of society. Accordingly, the learning and teaching processes have become a system to develop a plan to invest in certain positions in order to acquire specific experiences and interrelated and organized skills. To achieve objective goals according to an organized planning that takes a scientific nature.
The physical education curriculum is not just about teaching information to students. At the present time, you need to plan and study their preparations and abilities for scientific thinking and bring about appropriate changes in the desired behavior of the learners.
And physical education can be considered a system on the basis that the curriculum consists of a group of activities, events and games that are planned in an organized and coherent manner, which are prepared by educators. It is often characterized by integration, in addition to that, the curricula of physical education depend on the community and the environment surrounding the learner and their mutual relationship, that is, if any system is left to practice its operations without taking into account the environment in which it operates, this will lead to its non-continuity, so in order for any organization to continue, it must It is the basis for the environment that surrounds it so that it can adapt to the variables of the environment
١ -احمد سليمان عودة ، خليل يوسف الخليلي ؛ الاحصاء للباحث في التربية والعلوم
(الانسانية : الاردن ، دار الامل ، )٢٠٠٠ .
٢ -سميع ابو مغلي ، وعبد الحافظ سلامة ؛ سلسلة العلوم التربوية اساليب تعليم القراءة
والكتابة : ( عمان ، دار يافا ، ٢٠٠٠. (
٣ -عبد الحميد مجيد البلداوي ؛ اساليب البحث العلمي والتحليل الاحصائي : ( عمان ، دار
الفكر العربي ، ٢٠٠٤ ( ص٢١.
٤ -عبد الجليل ابراهيم الزوبعي ، محمد احمد الغنام ، منهاج البحث في التربية ، ط١ ) :
بغداد ، مطابع التعليم العالي ، ١٩٨١ ( ص١٢٢-١١٧.
٥ -ميخائيل امطانيوس ؛ القياس والتقويم في التربية الحديثة : ( سوريا منشورات جامعة
دمشق ، ١٩٩٧. (
٦ -محمد العربي شمعون ، علم النفس الرياضي والطب النفسي ، مركز الكتب ، القاهرة ،
. ١٩٩٩
٧ -يوسف قطامي ، نايف قطامي ؛ تصميم التدريس : ( عمان ، دار الفكر ، ٢٠٠٠. (
٨ -يوسف قطامي واخرون ؛ اساسيات تصميم التدريس : ( عمان ، دار الفكر
العربي،٢٠٠١ . (
٩ -نوري ابراهيم الشوك ، رافع صالح الكبيسي ، دليل البحاث لكتابة الابحاث في التربية
الرياضية : ( بغداد ، ٢٠٠٤ ( ص٥
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