A study of some virulence factors in bacteria contaminated for burns


  • Sondos Adel Naji Al-Azzawi M. M. Sondos Adel Naji Al-Azzawi جامعة ديالى/كلية التربية
  • Prof. Dr. Abbas Abboud Farhan Al-Dulaimi Prof. Dr. Abbas Abboud Farhan Al-Dulaimi جامعة ديالى/كلية التربية


his study was conducted in M. Baqubah year to detect bacterial contaminants for (126) swabs and (70) blood samples collected from burns of patients hospitalized for the period from 15.


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How to Cite

M. M. Sondos Adel Naji Al-Azzawi م. ع. ن. ا. and Prof. Dr. Abbas Abboud Farhan Al-Dulaimi أ. ع. ع. ف. ا., “A study of some virulence factors in bacteria contaminated for burns”, jfath, vol. 11, no. 1, May 2023.