Sintering of ceramic powders extremes glassThe study of some physical characteristics affecting


  • Dr. Tahseen Hussein Mubarak كلية العلوم / جامعة ديالى


This research was done, using powder technology, to produce ceramic models from mixing zirconia and soda line glass with different weight ratios for the glass in the first mixture, as well as other models with the same weight ratio for the mixture, but using Pyrex instead of glass. Compression, density, absorbency and porosity of all prepared models. The research showed an increase in compressive strength and density with an increase in the percentage of both glass and pyrex in the models with a relative superiority of the results for the (zirconia glass) model over the (zirconia pyrex) models. The results also showed a decrease in the absorbance and porosity of the prepared samples with an increase in the added percentages of glass once and Pyrex again. The research also showed the possibility of sintering ceramic powders with high melting points by mixing them with ceramic materials with a low melting point by taking advantage of the liquid (glass) phase that penetrates between the granules of the ceramic material, helping to strengthen it and increase its cohesion.



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How to Cite

د.تحسين حسين مبارك, “Sintering of ceramic powders extremes glassThe study of some physical characteristics affecting”, jfath, vol. 11, no. 2, May 2023.