And guarantees the rights of the public employee when applying the disciplinary penalty
The general moral person represents the main center in the administration of the state and the administrative organization, which manages public utilities to achieve the public interest and benefit, and whatever the role of the moral person is important in the administrative organization and administration of the state, it is in dire need to put this administration into practice through the natural or human person, who is usually the public employee The one who works under the supervision and guidance of the legal person, implements his orders, and applies the instructions and rules related to public office and administration affairs. The legal person is a virtual personality granted to him by law to be qualified to acquire rights and abide by duty. Thus, we find that the natural person is the public employee who is responsible for the implementation and management of public functions and the smooth functioning of the public facility. Actually, which is subject to a functional and disciplinary system at the same time. On the basis of that, we find that the public employee is the practical tool on which the legal person relies in managing the administrative organization in the state, and for this purpose he is granted powers and competencies that enable him to serve members of society and public administration at the same time Same to achieve the public interest, but these powers and competencies are not absolutely absolute, but are governed and restricted by the application of the provisions of the law and the rules of the public office. As for the field of mistakes made by the public employee in the exercise of the duties of his job, we find that there are guarantees given to the employee to prevent any abuse and injustice against him by his superiors in terms of holding the employee accountable for the actual mistake he committed when exercising the powers of his job, which is at the same time a protection for him if he did not commit any mistake in the first place. The disciplinary penalty for the employee is a tool to reprimand him and punish him for putting the public facility in a place of confusion and does not commensurate with achieving the public interest and is also accepted by a set of guarantees, which is a right for the employee through which he can prevent abuse and prejudice against him when applying the disciplinary penalty to him
١ .ماجد راغب الحلو/القانون الاداري/دار المطبوعات الجامعية/١٩٨٣ .
٢ .سليمان محمد الطماوي/القضاء الاداري/قضاء التأديب/الكتاب الثالث/دار الفكر العربي/١٩٨٧.
٣ .سليمان محمد الطماوي/مبادئ علم الادارة العامة/مطبعة جامعة عين الشمس/الطبعة السادسة/١٩٨٠.
٤ .شفيق عبدالمجيد الحديثي /النظام الانضباطي لموظفي الدولة في العراق /رسالة ماجستير/الطبعة الاولى/مطبعة الادارة المحلية(بغداد)١٩٧٥.
٥ .ضامن حسين العبيدي/الضمانات التأديبية للموظف العام في العراق /رسالة دكتوراه/دراسة مقارنة/١٩٩١.
٦ .مصطفى كامل/المبادئ العامة والقانون الاداري العراقي /الطبعة الاولى/مطبعة النجاح/١٩٤٩.
٧ .عبد الفتاح حسن/التأديب
٩ .مبادئ واحكام القانون الاداري/د.محمد علي بدير ،د.عصام البرزنجي ،د.مهدي ياسين السلامي/مديرية دار الكتب للطباعة والنشر/١٩٩٣.
١٠.د.سليم حربة،عبد الامير العكيلي/أصول المحاكمات الجزائية/الجزء الاول/١٩٨١
١١.قانون انضباط موظفي الدولة رقم(١٤(لسنة(١٩٩١ .(
١٢.قانون التعديل الثاني لقانون مجلس شورى الدولة رقم(١٠٦(لسنة ١٩٨٩ والمنشور في الوقائع العراقية في ١١/١٢/١٩٨٩ بالعدد(٣٢٨٥ .(
١٣.التشريعات الدستورية في العراق/
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