Evaluation criteria used in industrial statistics
In light of the rapid progress in the world of industry and technology, the progress that the new global economic system established after the emergence of the globalization system and the openness of markets to the transfer of capital and manpower without anyone being able to stand in the way of this system to the point whereby the economy of every country has become an integral part of the global economy By virtue of the universal unity of the new economic system and the control of its tools, including the World Bank, the Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and the Organization for International Standards and Standards, we find that it has become necessary for us to reconsider some of the necessary and organizational means, especially the statistical and informational database, which is the basis for drawing plans and defining their objectives, and so on. We find an important sector, such as the industrial sector, which has been divided for statistical purposes into three sub-communities that together constitute the large industrial community according to standards that have been used for a long time since (1983) and these statistical standards are still applied on the basis of which the industrial sector was statistically divided into large and small enterprises. and medium establishments. In the first chapter of the research, we present a historical detail of industrial statistics (its importance, sources, and data) as a methodological outlook for the second chapter, in which we clarified the concepts and standards used in industrial statistics, according to international recommendations and specialized organizations in this field, and the date on which this classification was adopted and the controls that govern it, in addition to an expanded presentation. It includes the most important data and information provided by industrial statistics in the field, the sources of this data, as well as the approved output tables. In the third chapter, the researcher explained the most important conclusions and recommendations he reached through the research, where the recommendations focused on the need to communicate to a common understanding between the authorities that sponsor and supervise the industrial sector in order to adopt a new information system that keeps pace with the changes that this sector is exposed to and in a way that helps the development plan to Drawing up the correct planning policy that makes this sector achieve its goals in filling the local needs of industrial goods and services and heading towards export, taking into account that this sector is modern and developed keeping pace with the economic and industrial renaissance in the world
المصادر العربية
١ -وثائق المسوحات والتعدادات الصناعية في العراق (х١٩٥٤ х١٩٧٠ х١٩٨٣
. (٢٠٠١
٢ -تعليمات ومفاهيم الاحصاءات الصناعية المعتمدة في الجهاز المركزي للاحصاء
وتكنلوجيا المعلومات .
٣ -سلمان عبد الكريم . الاحصاءات الصناعية في العراق الواقع والافاق لضوء
التوصيات العربية والدولية ١٩٩٠ .
٤ -النظام المحاسبي الموحد المعتمد في العراق – وزارة المالية .
٥ -خطط العمل السنوية الصادرة عن الجهاز المركزي للاحصاء وتكنلوجيا المعلومات
٦ -محمد حسين باقر وعلي خضير مرزا – متطلبات التخطيط الاقتصادي من البيانات
والمؤشرات الاحصائية . المعهد العربي للتدريب والبحوث الاحصائي بغداد –
. ١٩٨٧
المصادر الاجنبية
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