Some personality traits of practicing and non-practicing sports activities


  • Hiam Saadoun Abboud مركز ابحاث الطفولة والامومة / جامعة دیالى



Personal psychology has a significant impact on general psychology. Where it is concerned with psychological analysis, and to identify the main features, and these features are considered one of the dimensions affecting the personality. We note that it is characterized by difference and disparity in behavior, and this is due to the different circumstances first, which individuals go through, formed as a result of physical, psychological, mental, emotional and social interactions and motives. All these factors contribute to the formation of personality and the formation of strengths and weaknesses and the ability to get along with others. In addition to previous experiences, the environment, physiological and genetic factors, and all these factors crystallize to be considered an individual who differs from the other according to all the circumstances that he passes through and lives. There may be an extroverted or introverted personality, or psychotic... and others. Or it may be negative, such as introversion, emotionality, lying, tension, neuroticism, ... and other characteristics. From the foregoing, we note that each individual has his own characteristics or characteristics that contain positive and negative in varying degrees. And that the person who engages in sports activities is characterized by special preparations and abilities in the physical, mental, psychological and social aspects. In addition to his tendencies, inclinations, and social relations, in addition to recreation through the variety of games and activities that he practices, all of this helps to release his emotions. As these psychological, physical, emotional and social interactions that distinguish one person from another in his behavior and psychological components. Herein lies the importance of research


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How to Cite

ھیام سعدون عبود, “Some personality traits of practicing and non-practicing sports activities”, jfath, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 87–104, Aug. 2023.