The effect of using the method of contradictory events on the achievement of fourth-grade students in physics and their creative thinking.
There is an urgent need felt by the researcher to improve
methods and models and strategies used in the teaching of
physics of the fourth grade year, which made him think to use
discrepant events one of the ways in which played an important
role in the achievement of other materials may it contribute to the
development of achievement and creative thinking among those
students. The current research aims to investigate the effect of
use discrepant events in the achievement of fourth grade year in
physics and creative thinking.
Searching is limited to a sample of fourth graders General
of the first semester of the academic year 2008 / 2009 The
content includes three chapters of physics book of the fourth
grade year . The number of sample subjects (61) students divided
into three divisions were selected one at random to represent the
experimental group by (31) students have studied according to
the way events contradictory and represented the second group
by (30) students in the control group have studied according to
the method of regular and after exclusion of a student repeaters,
the number of students (60) students spread by (30) students in
the same group. The two groups were equal in the three variables
are age in months, and intelligence collection and a former
physics marks research after completing requirements in terms
of scientific material and to identify behavioral objectives,
formulation and preparation of lesson plans. The researcher
developed a research tools and are the achievement test in
physics where the number of paragraphs (20) paragraph of the
type of multiple-choice test measure creative thinking, where the
researcher adopted a measure prepared by the researcher (Elham
Ahmed) -which has been submitted to a panel of experts was to
keep it unchanged consists of a (123) items which is divided into
six sections to measure creative thinking skills, namely: (fluency,
flexibility and originality). The researcher concluded the
following: There is a statistically significant difference between
the degrees of the experimental group which studied according to
the method of discrepant events and degrees of control group
which studied according to the traditional way in each of the
achievement test and test creative thinking for the benefit of the
experimental group. The researcher presented a series of
recommendations and proposals including the use of this method
in the teaching of physics and open training courses for teachers
on how to use and application of modern methods of teaching
and a comparative study between the method of discrepant events
and other educational methods.
المصادر :
١ .احمد سلیمان عودة وفتحي حسین مكاوي ، (١٩٩٨ ، (اساسیات البحث
العلمي في التربیة والعلوم الإنسانیة ، اربد ، دار الامل للنشر والتوزیع .
٢ .الحیلة ، محمد محمود (٢٠٠٢ ، (طرائق التدریس واستراتیجیاتھ ، ط١ ، دار
الكتب .
٣ .السنجري ، عبد الرزاق (١٩٩٧ (اثر استخدام ثلاث استراتیجیات تدریسیة
في تصحیح المفاھیم الفیزیائیة لدى طلاب المرحلة الجامعیة (رسالة دكتوراه
غیر منشورة ، جامعة بغداد ، كلیة التربیة ، ابن الھیثم .
٤ .العراق ، وزارة التربیة
٥ .القاعور ، إبراھیم ، المعاصر في طرائق التدریس ، ط١ ، مركز الفرقان
الثقافي ، اربد .
٦ .القبیلات ، راجي عیسى (٢٠٠٥ ، (أسالیب تدریس العلوم ، ط١ ، دار الثقافة
للنشر والتوزیع ، عمان .
٧ .الھام احمد حمھ ، (٢٠٠٨ ، (مھارات التفكیر الإبداعي ، معھد التدریب
والتطویر ، وزارة التربیة ، العراق .
٨ .بطرس ، نضال متي ،(٢٠٠٨ ، (التفكیر الناقد وفسلجة الدماغ ، معھد
التدریب والتطویر ، وزارة التربیة ، العراق .
٩ .زیتون ، عایش محمود (١٩٩٤ (أسالیب تدریس العلوم ، ط١ ، عمان ، دار
الشروق للنشر والتوزیع ، الأردن .
١٠ .سعیدي ، عبد الله بن خمیس وآخرون (٢٠٠٨ (طرائق تدریس العلوم ،
مفاھیم وتطبیقات عملیة ، ط١ ، كلیة التربیة ، جامعة السلطان قابوس .
١١ .سلامة ، عبد الحافظ محمود ، (٢٠٠١ (تصمیم التدریس ، ط١ ، دار
البازدري للنشر ، عمان ، الأردن .
١٢ .فخري الدباغ وآخرون ، (١٩٨٣ ، (اختبار المصفوفات المتتابعة الملون
للقیاس ، مطابع جامعة الموصل ، العراق .
١٣ .كمال دسوقي (١٩٨٨ ، (ذخیرة علم النفس ، الدار الدولیة للنشر والتوزیع ،
المجلد (١ ، (القاھرة .
١٤ .محمود علام صلاح الدین ، (٢٠٠٠ ، (القیاس والتقویم التربوي والنفسي ،
أساسیاتھ وتطبیقاتھ وتوجیھاتھ المعاصرة ، ط١ ، دار الفكر العربي ، القاھرة
١٥ .مرسي ، محمد عبد العلیم ، (١٩٨٥ (المعلم والمناھج وطرائق التدریس ،
الرباط .
١٦ .نبیل احمد عبد الھادي ، (٢٠٠٤ ، (نماذج تربویة تعلیمیة معاصرة ، ط٢ ،
دار الاوائل ، عمان .
Tik,L "A study of the Effects of using discrepant Events in
science teaching,
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