Obstacles to the use of educational technologies at the university from the teachers' point of view
It is not farfetched for some to think that teaching is a process of indoctrination carried out by the teacher to the learner or a group of learners, but the fact is that this process is shared between two parties that cannot be fruitful without the participation of the learner and that the amount of its success depends on the amount of that participation, and accordingly the researchers differentiated between the old concept of his method Teaching, which is described as the method of giving the study material and the modern concept, which includes everything related to the events of the learning process for the learner, so it includes all the activities carried out by the teacher and the student and all educational means of audio and visual in an educational lesson to achieve the intended learning. Therefore, the goal of any educational program is to bring about a positive change In the learner's attitudes, ways of thinking, knowledge, and skill, and this change should occur through the efforts of the learner himself. The educational attitude is a cognitive attitude, and perception means that when a person learns, an organizing process occurs in his perceptions, so when the stimuli fall on the senses, the person realizes by hearing or seeing, etc. It enables him to communicate with the outside world, and that fruitful learning is learning based on sensory experiences, and that the percentage of learning is directly proportional to the number of(Al-Laqani et al., 1974: 17)
Educational research and studies have proven that the senses contribute to the learning and training process in the following percentages: (83%) the sense of sight, (11%) the sense of hearing, (3.5%) the sense of smell, and (1.5%) the sense of touch. , and (1%) the sense of taste.
Studies have also found that the percentage of the learner’s recollection of what he previously learned varies according to the sense or senses through which the message is transmitted to the learner’s brain. The learner can remember (10%) of what he read, (20%) of what he heard, and (30%) of what he saw , and (50%) of what he saw and heard at the same time. (Aziz et al., 1980: 26)
And the best of what I document in this regard is His saying, the Most High: (He it is Who created for you hearing, sight, and hearts) God Almighty has spoken the truth (Surah Al-Mu’minun, verse 23). senses.There is a great sign in the creation of God, Glory be to Him, the Most High, who bestowed upon him the mind and equipped him with the means of sense and perception to be ready to accept knowledge, and it has been mentioned what He created for us in terms of benefits and senses so that we can learn with them. (Al-Abed, 1985: 65) And we live today in the world of space, the age of organs in the human body, and the world of visual perspectives. It is no longer acceptable for the teacher’s role to be limited to simply delivering the facts to the students. Therefore, the tasks and roles of the teacher have expanded and varied. He is today a teacher, educator, leader, and social worker. It is no longer sufficient to prepare and train students for a higher stage of study and their exit to the arena of scientific life after the great accumulation of knowledge and the momentum in scientific research and technological development. Therefore, the cries rose in the light of the contents and data of educational thought of the need to master the competencies and teaching skills necessary for the teacher, including the adequacy of behavioral identification of goals, and the adequacy of The use of various teaching methods and methods, and the adequacy of the successful use of teaching aids and techniques
القران الكریم
١ -حمدان ،محمد زیدان،(٦┟١٩ (وسائل تكنلوجیا،مبادؤھا تطبیقاتھا في التعلیم
والتدریب،ط٢،عمان،دار التربیة الحدیثة،الاردن.
٢-الحیلة،محمد محمود،(٢٠٠٧ (تكنولوجیا التعلیم من اجل تنمیة التفكیر،دار المسیرة
٣ -الزوبعي،عبد الجلیل،(١٩٧٤،(الاختبارات والمقاییس،وزارة التعلیم العالي
والبحث العلمي،العراق.
٤-السعود،خالد محمد ،(٢٠٠٩،(تكنولوجیا ووسائل التعلیم وفاعلیتھا،مكتبة المجتمع
العربي ،عمان،الاردن ٠
٥ -شحاتة،حسن وزینب النجار،(٢٠٠٣،(معجم المصطلحات التربویة والنفسیة ،الدار
المصریة اللبنانیة ،القاھرة ٠
٦ -الظاھر،محمد زكریا ،(١٩٩٩،(مباديء القیاس والتقویم في التربیة ،مطابع
الارز،عمان ،الاردن٠
٧ -العابد،انور،(٥┟١٩،(التقنیات التعلیمیة وتطورھا ،مجلة تكنولوجیا التعلیم ،العدد٦
-عزیز،صبحي خلیل،(٧┟١٩،(التقنیات التربویة ،دار الكتب للطباعة والنشر٠
٩-علیان،ربحي،(٢٠١٠،(مصادر التعلم،دار الیازوري للنشر والتوزیع ،عمان ،
١٠-القزاز،نداء محسن،(١٩٩٣،(اثر استخدام الحاسوب في تحصیل طلبة الصف
الرابع العام في قواعد اللغة العربیة ،رسالة ماجستیر غیر منشورة ،بغداد٠
١١ -كاظم،احمد خیري واخرون(٤┟١٩،(الوسائل التعلیمیة والمنھج،ط٣،دار
١٢ -اللقاني،احمد حسین واخرون،(١٩٧٤،(تدریس المواد الاجتماعیة ،القاھرة ٠
١٣ -وفا ، لینا محمد،(٢٠٠٩،(اسالیب تدریس العلوم للصفوف الاربعة الاولى،مكتبة
المجتمع العربي للنشر،ط١،عمان ،الاردن٠14-David,dufly(1981),cases tudy,john cleverly,plning socials
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