The effect of two evaluative - corrective - methods in teaching dictation to fourth grade primary students.


  • Shatha Muthana Alwan Al-Jashami كلیة التربیة / الأصمعي



Writing is one of the means of linguistic communication, and through it the individual can express his thoughts and feelings and find out about the thoughts and feelings of others, and through writing the individual can record what he wants to record of thoughts, ideas, incidents, knowledge and information, and this requires that the writing be correct and free of spelling errors, because Correct writing is an essential element of culture and education. Writing is a means of understanding and understanding, and the error in it hinders the process of understanding and understanding and distorts the image of the writer, and that the spelling error is not due to one factor, but rather to several intertwined, overlapping factors represented by the parties to the spelling process, which together work to create the causes according to his share, as it begins with the student and ends with the scientific material, as well About the problems and difficulties of the language, and there are those who indicate that at the forefront of these factors is the method of teaching that the teacher follows, which may be sterile and does not give birth to anything positive, but rather makes it difficult. What is ambiguous, and dictation is a single lesson that is not related to other branches of the language or other study subjects that are mediated by Arabic writing. The treatment of spelling errors is only done in dictation books, so if the teacher finds a spelling error in the subject of grammar, expression, or literary texts, he ignores it and turns a blind eye to it. And if he is reprimanded, he puts the blame on the previous academic stage, and the university professor blames the previous academic stages. When apologizing, the teacher or teacher blames the reason for that mistake as if he was a stranger to teaching the Arabic language, so he does not care when he finds the student writing (reading) (also), and in order for the mistakes to be addressed Spelling must combine the efforts of all those who work in the profession of teaching, and everyone prepares himself as a teacher of the Arabic language, and the lesson of dictation is the opportunity in which the student is trained on the skills of correct writing. There are many methods, including those related to the teacher and others related to the learner, and some of them depend on the cooperation of the teacher and the learner.


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How to Cite

شذى مثنى علوان الجشعمي, “The effect of two evaluative - corrective - methods in teaching dictation to fourth grade primary students”., jfath, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 170–183, Aug. 2023.